herbal cures

Active Member
hey i had some bho that had been sitting in a jar for a month and a bit just checked on it and there was mold on the bho i washed off most the mold then put some iso in there gonna let it evaperate wondering if it still safe to smoke after its dry. any advice would help thanks

newb weed grower

Active Member
hmm this is an unusual question

id love to tell u yes man itll get u baked but sadly id be talking outa my ass
ull have to wait for someone more qualified
but im kinda surprised u got the mold anyways
i normally use those vaccuum seal bags and a pill battle maybe the freezer keeps it fresh as can be \
good luck i hope u get the answer to ur question and i hope for ur sake that u can smoke away


Well-Known Member
You can smoke it, however be careful that you don't transfer spores around where you grow. Clean it as best you can before smoking. Molds can create toxins, however it has been proven that the toxins do not travel in the primary or secondary smoke streams. The study was done using molds on tobaccos, but the same physic characteristics should apply.

While I personally would not smoke a bud that had spores spewing out of it, I would smoke one that had a mildew previously scrapped or sprayed off. In fact, I have water cured buds before to remove mold and make the buds smokeable.