HELP* Begginner Grower. Need to ask a few basic questions.


Hello to all in the marijuana community. I am a new grower and have purchased some seeds called Train Wreck, known to be an indica.

I have already germinated them using moist paper towels and a bowl and put them ontop of my fish tank heater. They germinated in about 2 days, once i saw a white root i put them directly into a cup and used SHULTZ potting soil with enhanced nutrients for up to 6 monthes. .08-.12-.08 is the nutrient level. It has peat moss, perlite, organic material and lime. IS THIS SOIL GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE WHOLE GROW PROCESS? I then put the cup under a humidity dome with the top cut off for ventilation and put it in my backyard patio. My patio has a roof with glass doors that open and close aswell as a fan. The sun shines through the windows for good humidity and warmth, the plant is also getting sunlight for about 17 and a half hours during the day. It sprouted through the soil within 2 days and is now growing strong with about 4 tiny leaves. WHEN DO I TRANSPLANT IT TO MY LARGER CONTAINER? I bought a 5 gallon from canadian tire the other day aswell as some Miricle Gro with a 24-8-16 nutrient level. IS THIS NUTRIENT LEVEL OKAY FOR MY VEGETATIVE STAGE?
Iv been reading around and people are saying to use about 2 tbls every 1 gallon. HOW OFTEN SHOULD I WATER NOW THAT I AM IN THE VEGETATIVE PROCESS?

Thanks so much for your soon to be help. You can ask me any questions about it.

:peace: and :joint:


Active Member
hey whats good?
ok...thats some damn good soil, you should be good on that. if you put it in a big enough pot you wont need to transplant.
i know somoone who is using those exact same nutrients...miricle grow. that should be good but i would start feeding it to ur plant untill they get about half a foot tall(with good growth). the nutes in the soil should be good and combined with the nutes in the soil it could burn ur plant and kill it. just go easy on the miricle grow.
depending on how ur plant is doing i would water when the top of the soil gets dry.
give it miricle grow once a week?
How tall are your plants?


Thanks tranquility for your help. THe plant is now about 2 inches tall, with 4 tiny green leaves. The patio is about 90 degrees and very humid today, it looks as if the plant is a little droopy. Does it need water? The soil is pretty moist about half inch down the cup. All i need to know now is when to transplant it, im getting reeally eager.