are the edges like that cause they are burnt fron being to hot and is it drooping cause of over watering ?
Im using a 1200 luma i have it at about a metre high and dimmed right down to about a quater probably less i usually do wait till soil drys before i water but i think my gf panicked and flooded them but they seem to be coming back rightHow close is your light? And what kind of light are you using? Do you let soil dry out before watering?
Cheers man ive just kept on as normal and they are starting to come rightIt looks fine - tiny little bit of heat stress, could be a bit overwatered, or it could be sleeping. just be patient and continue on as normal.
I top relative to the branches I want generally I'll take the tip out or fim it after the 6/8th branch.
I good alternative is to leave the tip just tie/tape it over, the bottom photo is perfect for tying down onto the pot rim, imho you get more compact plants.
I mean nodes/arms, if you want 6, 10 or 20 tops you cut it when there's the number you want, it's relative to the plant size I'm growing, if i want bigger I'll let them grow more nodes before tying, I don't actually top them anymore I tie them over or fim now for the same result and less stretch.after six or eighth branch wdym by this bro