Help a newb!!!!


I read the stickied threads regarding leaf problems and I can't seem to figure out what is exactly wrong with my plant, I am just looking for some input before my plants die. Any comment is appreciated.

Just some information about the plants; they are about two months old. Grown in Schultz potting soil, we water it whenever its dry. Very little nutrients given if not none, and when it was about 4 weeks old we flushed it once. The plant is being grown indoors. If you guys require any more information regarding the plants, please let us know.

We think that one of them is a female ( the one to the left in the 3rd picture).



bud bootlegger
i would say get yourself some good nutes.. they appear to be having somekind of nute defiency... a good feeding should resolve this.. my one plant did the same thing, and after i fed them, they turned right around pretty quickly.. the yellowing leaves probably won't bounce back, but all the new green growth should come back in nice and green..
i don't want to say which brand of nutes to get as there are a million of them and everyone has a favorite, but i would suggest getting a good known brand like fox farms or advanced nutrients, nutrients aren't a place where you want to go cheap for a good grow..
hope it helps you out some, good luck with the grow.....


New Member
i would say get yourself some good nutes.. they appear to be having somekind of nute defiency... a good feeding should resolve this.. my one plant did the same thing, and after i fed them, they turned right around pretty quickly.. the yellowing leaves probably won't bounce back, but all the new green growth should come back in nice and green..
i don't want to say which brand of nutes to get as there are a million of them and everyone has a favorite, but i would suggest getting a good known brand like fox farms or advanced nutrients, nutrients aren't a place where you want to go cheap for a good grow..
hope it helps you out some, good luck with the grow.....
yeah, looks like a deficiency....

check out some basic nutes first - Advanced Nutrients works good for a lot of poeple, but only when you use them at half strength at first...

you don't want to overdo it, no matter how crappy the plants look...nutrient burn is just as bad as a deficiency - and harder to correct.



Well-Known Member
MJCrusader is right. Underfeeding is easier to correct than over feeding. It does look like it may need nutes, but if you are using Shultz, it should feed for a couple of months. I read that you flushed your plant once. I doubt that it washed away all nutes so there are probably some still in there. My question is how much light are they getting, and what is your temperature?


Well-Known Member
isnt the yellowing nitrogen deficiency? and although i dont know the shultz brand of potting soil but i would say that 4 weeks would use up most of the nutes in it and especially after a flush. i sure as hell aint an expert so this is just an opinion based on a lot of reading and a little growing. the bottom leaves being yellow doesnt usually mean much coz that happens to a lotta plants. i'd graduall increase my nutes( slowly) and check ph and nite time temps( try to avoid lite spillage).