help a frst timer out


Active Member
I am confinded to a tiny 4x4x6 grow space. i was wondering if i could do a sea of green like method, and have 16 plants in that space (1 per square foot) I am starting from seedlings so i will probably end up with only 7-9 females. if this method can work what size pot should i use, 2 or 3 gallon pots
Any new methods to grow a decent size yield would be great!

Mr. Limpet

Well-Known Member
do you realize that the sog method requires starting from clones? You will first have to grow out some mothers. So maybe take 6 of those seeds for now and veg em out in 3 gal pots for a month or more.
Take clones to determine the sex.
Ditch the males.
Decide which are your best females
Clone from those
Once you start with those clones they could be in 1 gal pots

You will have to divide up that room or keep a seperate room for the mom/moms.

Here read more about what you are getting into:



Active Member
wait so i make a mother and vege the seeds
How do i know if im grabbing a male or female, the clones
what do i do with the mom keep her in veg?

why can the sog work from seedlings tho like ditch the females

Mr. Limpet

Well-Known Member
Yes the mother stays in veg (24/0 or 18/6)

So first before you even worry about pot size for a sog you need to produce a mother.

Did you read the whole thing?
Here is one more

I think before you plant anything you should read the entire grow FAQ or atleast the parts pertaining to you. So you could skip the hydro sections and such. But it wont hurt to read everything