Help!!! 2 weeks left!!!


Well-Known Member
Guys I need help!! Wtf is going on with my lower buds all curling up I did have a caterpillar problem a bit ago I find the odd one on her now and then been spraying with soapy water to try rid of them and so far it's worked as literally I scan her every morning and night for an hour and find nothing it's only maybe every 4 5 days ilk find the odd cunt on a leaf but what is going on????? Stardawg outdoor turned indoor for flowering 600w boost hps light 12/12 I need help guys first grow aswell



Well-Known Member
that could be caused by a number of things, but you shouldn’t worry to much because it looks fine, actually looks really fuckin good overall. Maybe looking at something that beautiful for couple hours makes the brain glitch, causing the brain a need to find something wrong with near perfection. Don’t trip homie


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate ill try not to stress over it to much she's had her fair share of problems so this is just another one... I'm so glad I have like 14 days left if that. I can finally have a break from worrying every day whilst I'm at work haha but yeah as long as you don't think it's anything serious it's all good


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate ill try not to stress over it to much she's had her fair share of problems so this is just another one... I'm so glad I have like 14 days left if that. I can finally have a break from worrying every day whilst I'm at work haha but yeah as long as you don't think it's anything serious it's all good
Oh man! I know exactly how you feel worrying about plants and being stuck at work lol. I don’t think there’s anything wrong, keep doing what you’re doing because it’s working well. Be sure to gauge ripeness by trichome color would be my only recommendation good sir. Cheers


Well-Known Member
Oh man! I know exactly how you feel worrying about plants and being stuck at work lol. I don’t think there’s anything wrong, keep doing what you’re doing because it’s working well. Be sure to gauge ripeness by trichome color would be my only recommendation good sir. Cheers
Yeah mate it's the worst working 50 hours a week coming home every night to sort her out it's stressful fuck knows why I decided to veg for so long before 12/12 she would of been done ages ago worst thing for me is I have a gas inspection on the 30th!! Got no way out of it so I either try hide her or harvest 29th but I highly doubt she will be ready in 7 days!