Helmet Head Seedlings, Yellow Cotyledons HELP

Honey Oil Riot Squad

Well-Known Member
Hello all,
Got 4 brand spanking new seeds going and am having some unexpected issues.
Strains: Blue Dream, Kandy Kush, CBD Mango Haze, and The Church.

I am popping them straight in coco coir with some VERY low nute water (not even an eighth what I use when they are grown just to get a biiit of calcium magnesium and what not to them). Water is pH'd to 5.8. I've popped seeds in this exact set up multiple times with great success.

Every seed put a tap root out no problem and we're to the surface within about 2 or 3 days. Blue dream and Kandy Kush are loving the set up and are very healthy looking, the other two (CBD Mango Haze and The Church), not so much. You can see below by the health of the two successful seeds that the plants usually thrive in the set up I am using:
But those two other seeds are being Lil bitches. Both have or had helmet head. I managed to do a bit of surgery on CBD Mango Haze and get the shell off the cotyledons, but it is not looking good at all... see pic below.
That little yellow blob in the middle is the cotyledons... eeeek... That pic was taken just after I got the shell off of it.
Will CBD Mango Haze recover from this? Or is it a goner at this point? I'm VERY perplexed as to it being so unhealthy looking while the others seem fine. Yellowish looking tap root too. What the hell happened here?

As for the church:
The Church just has a SERIOUS case of helmet head going on. The tap root looks a lot healthier than CBD Mango Haze though, so I feel like this one has a better chance, but this seed hull is so thick and still so stuck on there I can't do any little helmet head surgery on it. It's standing up right obviously looking for light... what do I do with this one? I have no idea.

As soon as Blue dream and Kandy Kush popped and showed green I turned the lights on which are 4 23 watt cool white CFLs about 9 inches or so away from the top of the seedlings. Temp in there with lights is about 79 to 86 F. RH generally around 60 percent these days.

So my questions again are: Will CBD Mango Haze recover or is it a goner? What am I supposed to do to help the Church seed along with this helmet head problem? And mainly, WTF? Did I just get unlucky or what?
I have 2 more seeds (freebies) if needed as backup so it would be helpful to know if I should get those going now bc of this or not.

Thanks in advanced for any help.
-Honey Oil Riot Squad
I would give them a few days yet see what happens. I would not water them if it were me. Just spray mist them. See what happens
Hello all,
Got 4 brand spanking new seeds going and am having some unexpected issues.
Strains: Blue Dream, Kandy Kush, CBD Mango Haze, and The Church.

I am popping them straight in coco coir with some VERY low nute water (not even an eighth what I use when they are grown just to get a biiit of calcium magnesium and what not to them). Water is pH'd to 5.8. I've popped seeds in this exact set up multiple times with great success.

Every seed put a tap root out no problem and we're to the surface within about 2 or 3 days. Blue dream and Kandy Kush are loving the set up and are very healthy looking, the other two (CBD Mango Haze and The Church), not so much. You can see below by the health of the two successful seeds that the plants usually thrive in the set up I am using:
View attachment 3764852
But those two other seeds are being Lil bitches. Both have or had helmet head. I managed to do a bit of surgery on CBD Mango Haze and get the shell off the cotyledons, but it is not looking good at all... see pic below.
View attachment 3764854
That little yellow blob in the middle is the cotyledons... eeeek... That pic was taken just after I got the shell off of it.
Will CBD Mango Haze recover from this? Or is it a goner at this point? I'm VERY perplexed as to it being so unhealthy looking while the others seem fine. Yellowish looking tap root too. What the hell happened here?

As for the church:
View attachment 3764855
The Church just has a SERIOUS case of helmet head going on. The tap root looks a lot healthier than CBD Mango Haze though, so I feel like this one has a better chance, but this seed hull is so thick and still so stuck on there I can't do any little helmet head surgery on it. It's standing up right obviously looking for light... what do I do with this one? I have no idea.

As soon as Blue dream and Kandy Kush popped and showed green I turned the lights on which are 4 23 watt cool white CFLs about 9 inches or so away from the top of the seedlings. Temp in there with lights is about 79 to 86 F. RH generally around 60 percent these days.

So my questions again are: Will CBD Mango Haze recover or is it a goner? What am I supposed to do to help the Church seed along with this helmet head problem? And mainly, WTF? Did I just get unlucky or what?
I have 2 more seeds (freebies) if needed as backup so it would be helpful to know if I should get those going now bc of this or not.

Thanks in advanced for any help.
-Honey Oil Riot Squad
i will lower the lights to 2-3 inch and hope for the best in the mango. And in the other one mist her lightly with a spray bottle until the shelli get soft and then remove carefully with tweezers BE CAREFUL GL
Are they likely to die though? That CBD Mango haze is looking like it's almost rotting... and the church is starting to yellow too, can't even see the cotyledons of that though.

I've had a couple worse than that make it. Just keep the soil lightly moist (keyword light) and they should succeed. They will drop their shells eventually they are just so fragile at this stage messing with them even a little can really stunt their growth, at least in my experience. I'm more of the let nature take it's way kind of guy though so I would do it that way.
the seed casings will come off them selves, you do more harm than help removing the casings, especially to the roots
This usually happens for a few different reasons depending on the growing medium possibly the seed wasnt deep enough so no friction to help remove the case or lack of humidity. There will be other causes too I imagine. I have found that a little bit of spit works wonders, the moisture and the enzymes or whatever in the saliva seems to do the trick.. I don't know how or why it works but much better than trying to remove the helmet which could cause damage.
UPDATE: While allowing my roomie to examine the church seed, he pulled it right out along with the whole tap root. I thought it was a goner and they ripped it, but to my amazement the tap root was only like an inch long... no rip. This seed had JUST germinated and some how managed to push the seed up to the surface with out any further tap root penetration. Looked just like a seed that had been germed on a paper towel and ready to go into soil. So I dug a new whole, dropped it in, and recovered it. Hoping for the best now in a few days. Think it was just a slow germ compared to all the others.

As for the mango haze, it's still looking pretty ill. Still dead yellow color, moved it closert to the light yesterday. Looks like no improvement. I think I am going to go ahead and get my chronic lights freebie started in replacement, but keep watching it.