
Hello all, I'm new here and on my first grow. I have a medical marijuana licence, so no old schooling it. Right now I'm growing three plants under 16 daylight 23watt CLFs and 2 daylight 40watt T12 Bulbs mounted on the wall for more side light. I'm kind of a student of my caretaker. She's an old hippy who's been doing this for quite a long time. I followed her around for months and learned all I could before I went out on my own. I'm doing ok, a few brown tips on the leaves so I'm backing off the nutrients to see if they improve. A little slow growth, so I'm going to get a normal paper pH strips, I think my soil pH meter is crap. I'm also going to bring the babies outside for 4 to 6 hours of real daylight and see if they improve. Don't worry my pitbull loves to meet new people, so I don't think anyone is dumb enough to be hopping my fence while their out there. Watering every 5 to 7 days in 5 gal containers. I'm also LST because I'm growing in a short small closet. I started from clones because I trust my caretaker, might try seeds later on. I'm using miracle gro organic soil because that's what I had, plus I'm disabled so money is real tight. Thinking about going to the land fill and getting their black gold organic compost and making my own soil next time from a recipe I was given. This grow is more of a learning experience of what to do and not to do. Just hoping to get an ounce+ off of this harvest. I hope to learn a lot from you guys. :-P
Hey welcome to RIU. I am new to the site too, yet i am also new to growing. This site seems a little complicated to navigate , but i am getting the hang of it. I will most likely be in the newbie section. Hope to see you there.
