Hello y'all


Hey everyone my name is smileyO. I dropped it to check out your forum not too long ago when I was looking for info and couldn't find what I wanted at mine. You all seem pretty cool so far. I seen someone in need of a little help last night so I put my 2 cents in then decided I'd better introduce myself...lol

I have been growing awhile now...not sure how long....I have a perpetual grow going and im 100% legal. I grow for my own medical conitions. I have hepatits C and the treatment was hell which MMJ help me through but the treatment did not help my hep c. Now Im just a sick stoner...lol....who likes my bud..lol. It does help me with allot of issues I used to take pharms for. No more for me just my high blood pressure pills which have cut to half now also.

I hope everyone has a great day.



Well-Known Member
Welcome. Man on the Hep.. My Heart goes out on that.

We have a huge surge of new people all over the Net. I think it will just get bigger and if Prop 19 passes look out. We will have legal MOFO's in the Mix and not just Medical like us two.

10 years here growing strong and like you I would have to think then take a guess how many grows.

I'm hanging trying out the Big Friendly I plant to use on my site when it's doors open.

Good on you for helping out. We never know when we make a real difference but we know we won't if we don't try.

Are there any specific effects that help you?