Hello world, my first post and grow.

Hello roll it up, long time lurker, first time poster here. I don't know what to put here other than a thank you to all the community members, without you guys' indirect support I would not have these pictures that I am posting today. So big ups, and thank you.

At any rate, this is my second week in the grow. Currently I have one relatively matured Mango plant, with two clones that have been cut and rooted from it. The other pots are loaded with the offspring of Mr. Miller.

It looks like the Miller special seeds are suffering from some over watering, but that should be taken care of in the coming weeks. Any feedback would be appreciated, thanks again brothers and sisters.



Well-Known Member
Hello roll it up, long time lurker, first time poster here. I don't know what to put here other than a thank you to all the community members, without you guys' indirect support I would not have these pictures that I am posting today. So big ups, and thank you.

At any rate, this is my second week in the grow. Currently I have one relatively matured Mango plant, with two clones that have been cut and rooted from it. The other pots are loaded with the offspring of Mr. Miller.

It looks like the Miller special seeds are suffering from some over watering, but that should be taken care of in the coming weeks. Any feedback would be appreciated, thanks again brothers and sisters.
il be here for this grow il take this seatbongsmilie
The title pretty much says it all. I added some PH Down into the mix, and in the process my plants have flourished!

Two of the bag seeds are showing definite female traits, but I am not 100% sure of the sex on any of the bag seeds. Although I did accidentally top one of the plants, it is taking to it well. That makes me happy.

The seedling has dark bluish pistils and is getting super fat leaves on it. It gets me excited every time I look at it.

Respect, forum members.


I'm not budding them, the budded plant is a foster kid of sorts. It was well into its life cycle before I became its caregiver. I plan on switching to a 12/12 cycle with the red tubes next week.
I switched the reservoir water a few days ago, and here I am again! After waking up and discovering my girls (here's to hoping) were suffering from nute burn, like a mother fucker, I backed off some of the nutrients. So far it looks like everything is looking better.

I switched the light cycle into flowering, and added all four bloom bulbs to my t5 setup. These photos are about two days into flowering. As you could guess there hasn't been much change in the last 48 hours.

I plan on using the rest of my vegetative nutrients before investing in the bloom nutrients, however I was hoping for some input on that. Is it bad to do this, er what?

I proceeded to trim back all the nasty, burnt looking foliage and left behind the new growth and all the positive looking old growth.

In other news, I am starting to notice that the foster plant I have is beginning to mature! I am seeing more orangeish/brownish hairs, and that is even more encouragement to keep up the process.

If any of you are interested in looking at my 'plant problem thread' here is the link:

My plants were 'asleep' by the time I got to taking these pictures, that is why they look kind of droopy.

One final note:
I discovered that I was 'ebbing' entirely too much. Before this week I had my table on a constant cycle of flooding for fifteen minutes and draining for a half hour. After reading up on general hydroponic principles I found that I should be watering less. I now have it on a flood cycle of fifteen minutes three times a day. I hope this is correct, and will help my plants flourish. Input on this, please. Am I in the right, er the wrong?

:peace:, <3 & :leaf:


It's been a week since I changed out my vegetative nutes for the bloom nutes. I decided to go with the GH Flora Nova System.

The pictures are from last week about this time, but I will update more detailed tomorrow when I change the reservoir water.

A quick few notes:
-I changed from all four red T5's; to alternating red, blue, green, blue. From what I can tell the added green bulb has made my plants immensely happy
-Also, some friends and I rigged a PC fan to pull fresh air into my tent, this has been fantastic as well. I can now close my tent completely.

Captain's log out.


Another reservoir change brings another update.

The foster plant was moved out of it's coco medium, to a pot of fresh hydroton rock. She looks a lot happier not being as soaked with water.

I was able to sex my plants, super exciting! There were two males out of the reggie seeds. I have new seedlings getting ready to pop any day now as to start my own sea of green.

I topped the red buddha plant. I have never felt a stem of such a small plant be so strong. Here is to hoping for a little lady!

Also, I have been trying music therapy on my plants. I maybe crazy, but they seem to be perkier after I play a playlist, er two.

Log out.

