Hello! Is there somebody to help me?


Active Member
From 3 days i have problems with this plant...
5week flowering
temp-max 31 degresse light period
Thanks in advance!



Well-Known Member
2 problems, 1- your growing sativas under lights, 2- its far too hot to flower ,this is why your getting stringy,stretchy light buds. Next time use indicas and more importantly get it below 27 with a decent exhaust system.


Active Member
From 3 days i have problems with this plant...
5week flowering
temp-max 31 degresse light period
Thanks in advance!
i don think it matters your growing sativa plants with lights i ve seen plenty sativas grown with lights and they turn out fine but i do think it looks like the temp is a bit high try adding another fan, and some better ventilation.
i c that there is some heavy claw on the top part of plant possibly some nuet deff or toxicity id look into what causes that claw if you dont think its form the heat


Well-Known Member
From 3 days i have problems with this plant...
5week flowering
temp-max 31 degresse light period
Thanks in advance!
You're fine. Sativas are stretchy, often times larfy ugly plants. The clawing of the leaves is typically from excess Nitrogen that a sativa doesn't really require much of. Tough to tell with the lights, but your plant is likely a very dark shade of green too. Cut back on whatever you're feeding them and they will bounce back.

2 problems, 1- your growing sativas under lights, 2- its far too hot to flower ,this is why your getting stringy,stretchy light buds. Next time use indicas and more importantly get it below 27 with a decent exhaust system.


Well-Known Member
31 degree room temps are fine. That's 87 F and while its not ideal....its not gonna be disastrous. Water temps on the other hand....would be too warm for sure.

Anything written above can only be considered the rambling on of a belligerent old fool who has created a magical land in his mind where he is an amazing marijuana cultivator. all pictures and information have been stolen from the "worldwide web"


Well-Known Member
I say it is simple. Do nothing else aside from get your room temperature down.
See how she responds, and make a wise choice from there.


Well-Known Member
shoot for 80F if you can. sativas are leggy plants they stretch. next time fim the tops early and you can have a ton of those lil buds.


Well-Known Member
You're fine. Sativas are stretchy, often times larfy ugly plants. The clawing of the leaves is typically from excess Nitrogen that a sativa doesn't really require much of. Tough to tell with the lights, but your plant is likely a very dark shade of green too. Cut back on whatever you're feeding them and they will bounce back.

Aye. Stow is on point. That plant is strung out on (N) and nute locked which is why it's not pushing buds. I've done it (not quite that bad) so I know, lol. Not quite sure what growing sativas under lights has to do with it? I would try to get temps down below 85 (29.4 c) at least.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
so your problem is:

sativa under lights or too much heat
not enough ventilation or nute deficiency or toxicity
too hot
excess nitrogen
water temps too high

I think that narrows it down...good luck


Active Member
The plant to the right of your plant in question looks like it is doing well. Is it the same sativa strain as the one your asking about? Personally I would flush the nutrients from the plant and then when your ready to feed it again cut your nitrogen and raise your phosphorus. It looks like you may have caught a virus but its difficult to see with the pic you have. I would bet on a disease but nutrients used in too high of concentration will burn your plant. The leaves actually do not look burnt but I can't really see it well enough. It looks like an underwatered plant but my system is different than the one you are using. I'd like to see a picture under a mh instead of hps lol. But hps is important during flowering. Lighting isn't the problem now I do agree with the advice on temperature. The top seems worse than the bottom which leads me to believe that it is getting close to the light. In that case the room temperature may be 31 but the top of the plant is right by the light making the temperature for your top a great deal hotter. You can listen to me or not I do not claim to know everything and if I stop learning that would mean I died.