hello i need help with a ph level

That ph will not be good for your plants, if you are in soil you want to get it down to 6.3. Different nutrients are taken up by the plant at different phes and the ph will rise slowly once you feed it to your plants so you will make your way through the spectrum. Go out and get yourself some ph down, if you can't find that lemon juice will work just fine.
I don't know if all nutes work the same but the nutes i've used which for veg is mainly superthrive & botanicare pro grow. Well the Nutes will actually bring the PH down. & As the water I use is actually a great Ph initially I have to use PH up to get it in range. So if your nutes are actually making your ph go up from your starting water Ph, i would consider switching. If that's not the case then I would buy a bottle of Ph down. Just use what you have to because you don't wanna get your salts/PPM up too high & using anything to adjust your Ph will do that as far as i know.
Also I just thought to mention that if it's not your nutes that are making your Ph so hi but instead the water. Then I would consider buying filtered water or else find a friend w/ good water Ph & bring water in from there. In fact that goes doubly so if your nutes are actually bringing the Ph down like my nutes do & afterwards it's STILL too high.

If your water is that bad out of whack I would say it's well worth getting a big container & hauling it in from somewhere else. Perhaps even consider rain barrels if you can afford them.