Hello guys need some advice


hey friends got some problems with heat stress ... i have 3 plants 60 days old and i live in Spain Madrid. i grow outdoor and here temperature is around 38 degrees ..this morning when i watered them doens`t had anything on the leafs buy around 5am when i looked again they had some brown things on the leafs edges not all of them just the big ones on all plants so i supose is the heat strees any sugestion how can i solve this? if i move them in house between 11 and 17 when the sun burns will affect them ? or just put a fan there don`t rly know what to do they are auto ak47 btw... pls rply as soon as you can don`t want to get major problem tnx :)


Active Member
Need pictures. No way of knowing what it is. If plant is healthy and properly watered, it should be able to handle a couple of days or high heat, especially a mature one. What was in that water that you used? Ph? EC? nutes?