Hello Futhermuckers, Da Sandman1 is in the wind!


Active Member
Hello all, Im a F N G in the grow biz so could anybody tell me why my perfectly pretty green stems are turning purple????? it is a befuddlement to me. I'm watering too much and dont know shit about fertilizer. some of the leaf tips are a bit curly and turn brown. :confused: SO, can anyone give this cherry a dash of assistance??????? I could really use it. I'm growing in a closet, with 2 75watt curly cfl's and after 11 wks it is rather thin looking and spindly , I have one plant in a 8"x8"x8" pot with some holes in each side to ventilate the soil, ans a fan going constantly during daylight times& off at night time. the leaves are broad and about 4" long and the head from them is rather nice with the few leaves I've tasted. I am going to try to start flowering with a 12 hr/12hr day night split. I've been told this will trigger flowering. so I'll give it a shot. If it goes to shit , I've got more seeds and I will start over , with the assistance from some of y'all learned mothers out there in the ether. So, I'm here and I'm looking for help! I hope a few of y'all will take me under your wings and giv me a shot at a nice head! thanks for readin this rant , and thanks for any future advice. Sandman1(MikeSr):dunce::wall: