Hello everyone


Hey everyone and thank you for running such a good forum, i have been lurking around the site for about 3 months now and have finnally decided to go ahead and join. First off i have a considerable amount of knowledge in the art of Mushroom cultivation, but this will be my first true attempt at marijuana cultivation.( i have grown bag seed before with unimpresive results). I recently purchased a 400 watt hps bulb and ballast, made by sun systems. and 5 autoflower white russian seeds by sensible seeds. I have searched the forums for a considerable amount of time trying to find pot sizes and growth parameters. I am thinking about doing 3 5 gallon pots with one seed per pot in a small apartment closet. with the 400 watt light and ballast do you think this is ample light? and also are the pot sizes overkill? Any suggestions or opinions would be greatly appreciated. I will be doing a grow log and it will be up and functional its 2 weeks. Thanks for the help!!!


Well-Known Member
Alright mate? Welcome to the forum. Regarding pot size i personally would use 11Ltr pots to grow that strain, bigger roots means bigger plants. Dunno if this would apply to an auto strain like the one you growing. Your light should be adequate for what you wish to grow also.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Hey there. 400w is enough for 3 or 4 pretty-big plants, and it sounds like that's what you're going for. LST or they will probably outgrow the light, depending on the strain.:peace:


Well-Known Member
This is a perfect strain for you, for your first grow, as they start to flower regardless of light cycle. If you are planning growing in a closet have you also considered the ventilation you will need, and the possibility of having to cool your light?