Hello everyone...


Well-Known Member
First off, what's up to all of you guys! I'm new here, but definitely plan on spending many many more hours on this website...down to why I found you guys in the first place.

I'm going to be moving out soon, and putting myself in a position where I have a secure place to grow some plants in a backyard shed. I'm planning on growing 12 plants, and a few issues have come to my attention.

First off, how big of a shed should I go with? I'm going to go down to the local Home Depot and purchase a nice sturdy shed that I can seal light out from and keep nice and secure from all the bad guys. I plan on using two independent 6-planter kits from stealththydroponics.com. I've attached a picture so you can get an idea of the size. For lighting, I plan on mounting/wiring in 2 400w transformers that I have in order to support 2 MH/HPS lamps. That being said, what do you guys think a decent general square footage would be for my application?

My next issue is ventilation. I understand the general idea of circulating the hot and cold air through the shed, but I need some specific ideas as to how I could set my shed up for proper, discrete ventilation while keeping the babies nice and healthy...

Next question has to do with the electricity bill. I'm pretty sure I'm going to run 2 HPS lamps on their regular 18/6 , 12/12 , 8 week cycle. How much is this going to affect my electricity bill?

You guys can probably get the general idea of my setup. 12 plants. 2 400w lamps. Bubbleponics...

I've had very minimal experience with growing, but I'm determined to make this work out. Any input you guys have on my situation will be greatly appreciated. I'm a 20 year old guy in the same position I'm sure a lot of you guys have been in.

Teach me some shit :D

