///hello all///

Well im not really that new, but i havent really formally introduced myself.

I stumbled upon this site for one reason or another (i was stupid baked and cant remember). since ive joined ive tried to spread what knowledge ive picked up from helping friends grow and tend theyre crops. I actually have a backround in horticulture, botany and agriculture.

I grew up in a very rural area, then at a young age i moved to the city and through out my life ive bounced back and forth from generally urban areas to out in the middle of the country. I like to think ive gotten the best of both worlds. when i went to school in the country i excelled at agriculture and developed a green thumb, when in the city i would study science, technology, and engineering. ive alays had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, soaking it up like a sponge....

I spent most of my young adulthood in the united states army, where i served as a 19-D cavalry scout. Afterwards i was so confused about civillian life.... so many things changed and so manythings stayed the same.... So i started to smoke ALOT of weed. When i was in the military i was actually able to sample some of the finest weed during my deployments, probly the only good things that i got out of them. Lemme just say theres nothing like seeing crops of ganja growing in the afghani sun as far as the eye can see, beautiful green (and sometimes brown) fields of emerald goodness.......

I do digress, i was able to smoke while deployed because everyone else was doing it (even a certain brigadier general) so they would just not drug screen us. Alas it was really my only way of coping with the ultra violence of waging war....

on the lighter side of things, be sure to check my journal out: ///growing when your broke/// i think you can find it on my profile. :blsmoke::leaf: