HELLLLP PLEEEAASE!!!!!! yellow burt leaves


hey guys i need your help asap b4 there is no time left i am new to growing these are my first two plants at first they where growing good then i found a bunch of mites in the soil so i sprayed them with "fruite and vegetable insect killer" for about 3 days that seems to have worked, ive seen no more bugs..... but a few days later i notice my plants turnig brown and a few days after that they look like this.
i have two 15 watt florescent lamps that dont generate much heat the lamps where closer to the plants maybe 2 inches away but fear that the lamps my be to close and burning the plants i raised them as you can see in the pics and i also had them in this box (that i also have a pic of up) but in fear of that maybe the air was not calculating properly i took them out as you can see in the pics can anyone help me out??? any suggestion on what is going on and how to fix the problem thanx. leaves turned a yellow
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what im using:
1. 2 florescent light 15 watts
2. miracle-gro organtic choice potting mix(i know i shouldent use MG but this cant be the reason)
3. have not fertilized or gave food to plants yet "i believe there to young"
4. 18 hours of light............6 hours of dark


Legal Moderator, Esq.
There's nothing wrong with MG, but you should never put seedlings in nutrient soil. Get some rockwool or jiffy pellets next time. For this plant now, like DrF said keep the ph right and wait it out. You should get some CFL's to help you with light instead of tube flouro's.


Well-Known Member
Id transplant them into something that wasn't clear as well. Your gonna end up with a smaller plant with alot of problems at the beginning of the grow. Algea and other plants growing inside your container even stunted roots.