

Well-Known Member
Sorry, I'm not sure. I'm just sort of bumping this for you. You may want to add what kind of lights you are using/distance. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Why are you running your ph so low in soil. Also why are you phing your water? Also happy frog is not the greatest for drainage and avoiding salt buildup. I used to mix 1 bag of happy from with on of perlite and one of the foxfarm red bag soil and that worked out but I don't know about happy frog on its own, I would shell out the extra 5 bucks and go for ocean forest because it's much better soil. Also I wouldn't feed them until they perk up a bit.

That is not terrible burn or necessarily something to worry about but if it increases I would flush out the soil with a ton of water.

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Well-Known Member
You're running organic and soil as of this point that's why I asked about phing

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Active Member
If I may offer some experience.....
First learn to read your plants. From what I see, this is what they have told me..

The frilled edge of the seedling leaves are as such because your environment is not in tune for a seedling, it's too dry. That's their way of attempting to regulate the rate of transpiration in comparison to the roots systems ability to translocate water and nutrients. Increase the RH or mist them with water 2x's daily, until the root system gets larger.

This is the reason for the mild nutrient burn you are seeing. In an increased attempt to translocate hydration, the young seedling is also distributing nutrients, and these are accumulating in the leaf tissue, thus causing "burn" or necrosis. It will grow out of it, just as long as you don't overwater or feed it for some reason, just mist it periodically to assist in slowing down the loss (shedding) of water and to allow the roots to catch up.

ideally you want to aim for 75-78F day
70-75F night
70-80% RH seedlings
50-65% RH veg
30-40% RH flower


Sorry it took so long to respond phone was broken I have done done any feeding to them the temp is at 80 day time about 70 night time the pH I'm not to sure what the pH should be in soil never got this in depth be4 but I was told you might as well do it right or don't even mess with it any input will help