Height Concern


2 Early Widow in soil
cfls and 150 hps
approx. 3" tall at 3 weeks (short and bushy)
promix 3 1/2 gallon pots
smallest has couple lower leaves yellowing
watered 3 times
botonicare and liquid karma twice at 1/4 strength adjusted ph 6.5 to 6.7
20/4 light schedule
temp 78-80
oscillating fan

Is 1" growth per week normal?

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
I use the same notes but the organics line and I only get an inch a week but it should be almost an inch per day so not sure what's going on.. Good luck man


Well-Known Member
At 3 weeks a seedling should start growing an inch a day, not an inch a week. Your problem is because you did not
first transplant into a much smaller pot. If a new seedling goes straight into a 3-5 gallon pot it does basically nothing
except grow roots until the roots reach the side of the pot. That's what you are doing now, waiting for the roots to find their
boundaries so the plant can start growing aboveground. We first put new seedlings into small pots for 2-3 weeks. The roots
soon fill out in the small pots and the plant starts to grow aboveground much sooner than yours.

Try it our way next time.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
At 3 weeks a seedling should start growing an inch a day, not an inch a week. Your problem is because you did not
first transplant into a much smaller pot. If a new seedling goes straight into a 3-5 gallon pot it does basically nothing
except grow roots until the roots reach the side of the pot. That's what you are doing now, waiting for the roots to find their
boundaries so the plant can start growing aboveground. We first put new seedlings into small pots for 2-3 weeks. The roots
soon fill out in the small pots and the plant starts to grow aboveground much sooner than yours.

Try it our way next time.

Good luck, BigSteve.
But wouldnt this be an effective way of keeping your plants small while building a massive root structure at the same time? Or would the time lost in plant developement make it an even trade and not worth the effort?


Well-Known Member
Planting right into the bigger pot kept my last plants nice and short but I only got half an ounce per plant which is good for small spaces but I'm going for around two ounces a plant this next one so I will wait till they have developed a good root ball before transfer.