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White Widow - Royal Queen, Skywalker Haze - Dutch Passion, Purple Diesel Daze - Europa, Dutch Guaraní - South American bagseed found under the Capricorn Line between 2022/2024 (breeding and testings), Some Ruderalis guess "G13 Labs Auto Dosi" (freebie) my first one of the kind.
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Living soil with dirt + old medium to recycle, perlite, earthworm castings made at home basically with banana, melon, watermelon, some orange, lettuce (peels, leaves). Eggshells and seeds are usually toasted and applied as a meal. Also add some dry amendments like bone meal, kelp meal, dolomite lime, oyster shells, thermophosphate (rock phosphate), potassium silicate (greensand), mycorrhizae. Compost tea monthly applied.
As a living soil, it's full of earthworms, mites, colembule. Since I've introduced a gal of commercial compost, aphids, root aphids, winged root aphids, thrips, whiteflies, spider mites and even some caterpillars have been seen lurking around. I made the mistake of applying neem oil to the leaves, enough to know that this is not the way to go. Increase the number of natural predators and nullifying the favorable conditions for the rising of pests is the organic path to follow.
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And peppers. This is the vegetative chamber. Two clones Guaranis from my last run, 4 seedlings and another bagseed from 2 weeks ago.
First, I'm doing a sort of pheho check, comparing information from research carried out in the cartels' cultivation areas with what's coming out of the ground here. Then I intend to do a Paraguayan Soul Search on the seeds, already have more than a hundred to start. There is the ancient Paraguayan sativa that I already had the opportunity to plant and recently a Dutch pheno was introduced through a semillero who, in the service of the cartel, brought seeds with a shorter cycle that yield more than the region's traditional plants and is replacing crops in some areas.
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White Widow - Royal Queen, Skywalker Haze - Dutch Passion, Purple Diesel Daze - Europa, Dutch Guaraní - South American bagseed found under the Capricorn Line between 2022/2024 (breeding and testings), Some Ruderalis guess "G13 Labs Auto Dosi" (freebie) my first one of the kind.
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Living soil with dirt + old medium to recycle, perlite, earthworm castings made at home basically with banana, melon, watermelon, some orange, lettuce (peels, leaves). Eggshells and seeds are usually toasted and applied as a meal. Also add some dry amendments like bone meal, kelp meal, dolomite lime, oyster shells, thermophosphate (rock phosphate), potassium silicate (greensand), mycorrhizae. Compost tea monthly applied.
As a living soil, it's full of earthworms, mites, colembule. Since I've introduced a gal of commercial compost, aphids, root aphids, winged root aphids, thrips, whiteflies, spider mites and even some caterpillars have been seen lurking around. I made the mistake of applying neem oil to the leaves, enough to know that this is not the way to go. Increase the number of natural predators and nullifying the favorable conditions for the rising of pests is the organic path to follow.
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And peppers. This is the vegetative chamber. Two clones Guaranis from my last run, 4 seedlings and another bagseed from 2 weeks ago.
First, I'm doing a sort of pheho check, comparing information from research carried out in the cartels' cultivation areas with what's coming out of the ground here. Then I intend to do a Paraguayan Soul Search on the seeds, already have more than a hundred to start. There is the ancient Paraguayan sativa that I already had the opportunity to plant and recently a Dutch pheno was introduced through a semillero who, in the service of the cartel, brought seeds with a shorter cycle that yield more than the region's traditional plants and is replacing crops in some areas.
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