So here we are, a month or so away for the real vertical action to begin. I’ve taken this time to plan everything ahead, I know where every screw is gonna go by now xD
So basically my design is inspired on heath’s octagon, although I’ll make a few mods for convenience. I’m not gonna bother you with all the math I did to find the length of the pipes, but every level needs 4 meters of pipe and one system needs at least 18 gallons to function.
I called it Ganja tit, hope you like it. Unlike Heat’s design, I raised the height of the system so I can easily crouch and enter it. I like spraying, checking for bugs, tiding and especially staring at buds …. Also every level is going to have its own water feed and there’s going to be a main drain pipe made of “T” fittings. At the end of each row I’m going to use heath’s damp rings to flood the tubes as well and as water will be constantly falling hard into the res this would provide even more DO than a cascade, it’d be more quickly available as well of nutes due to direct feeding, and It'd also give me complete control of the flow rate of each level.
This is an early 3D look I haven’t finished it yet but you can get an Idea of how it’d look like.