heat wave in so cal last few weeks, HELP


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Hello all

James here with some problems Id like some assistance on. I have some girls vegging, well HAD, they are now in flower. This heat wave we had in so cal really kicked thier butts. I have ALOT of burnt leaves, and wilting going on and what looks like some kind of leaf disease.

These girls are cloned off of original clones and the soil they are in is half recycled, part of me thinks THAT may be an issue...... Im not sure if thats the cause of some of my issues? but i figure any additional information could help the pros guide me in the right direction.

So what i would like to learn is, now that I have em in flower, how do i bring em back to health? so i at least have a halfway decent late harvest? Also if anyone can tell whats going on with my leaves id really appreciate the help. I had em in a green house with several fans going and the door open over the last few weeks, now they are essentially in the open but i have a small enclosure i use to cover em at night for full light depo ( we have security lights in the back ). I keep it pretty well vented at night to avoid any mold issues.....

so any help?

thank you all in advance!!!


Well-Known Member
Well the heat wave is over so steady as she goes. The leafs look sunburn , I had the same issues on a strain when it gets that hot. Looks like you have a deff of some sort. looks like over Cal mag and or PH issue what are you feeding ?