Heat stress, ph maybe? help!


so i have noticed that alot of the leafs on my plants are getting yellow and curling downward but only at the very tips of the leafs the rest of the leaf is completly normal but the tips look almost as if they were a hand and the finger nails were trying to scratch something lol. also some leafs have little tiny ,barley noticable yellow spots on them. i backed off of the nutrients and waterings thinking maybe its the beginning of nute burn.but it hasnt helped at all.. i also noticed that it seems to be more so on the main kola of my plants. could it be heat stress!! i dont think its a ph problem but it could be a possibility. anyone have any suggestions??for the most part the plants look healthy...i can post pics later today if it would help!!

jay cas

Well-Known Member
it sounds like n overdose. just flush with 2 times as much water as soil. theyl be fine. how hot is your room??


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
yes the pictures will help a lot. It could be heat stress that how hot is your room. Maybe your life is too close to your plants, and while most people scream nutrient burn it could be nutrient lock outpost some pictures and we will see. Good luck!


how could it be nute lock ? i havent been feeding them any nutes for the past two waterings??? and on top of that they look generally pretty healthy . one of my plants doesnt have it quite as bad as the other two either and i have them only the same feeding schedule. this is wierd im sorry no pics yet will have some soon..


Active Member
Well nute lock occurs when there are too many nutes in the soil, and then the pH goes out of range, and doesn't allow the plant to absorb them at all any more. Even if you only fed them a a couple times, the nutes may have been too powerful. I had this problem (at least it sounds the same; pics would help) and all I had to do was flush it with about 2x-3x the amount of soil in the pot (i.e. 1 gallon soil, 2-3 gallons water). Easy way to do this is buy distilled drinking water and put the pot in your bathtub so that the excess can drain out. You will probably see that the runoff water has a tint to it, and those are your excess nutes. After this, DO NOT water until soil is almost dry again. As for heat stress, what type of lights are you using, how far away are they from the top of the leaves, and how hot is it in the room?


Well-Known Member
if the leaves are just slightly browned, and yellowed and only on the tips, and they curl down slightly it was an overnute problem. This is a good indicator that your feeding them just about the right amount of nutes. Just cut back a bit and keep feeding them normally. Flushing is always good, though i only do this once before i throw them in flowering, and again during leeching period. I like to feed them nothing but ph balanced water for a full 2 weeks before flowering...try this....it induces preflowers and makes the plant root system go crazy. the plant takes all the plants energy and puts it into roots. If you ahve been feeding it well it will not have needed many roots, and will have put all its energy into a cannopy. This is because the plant can use its leaves as stored energy. So let them use some energy! The leaves will begin to go yellow...but dont worry once you start the flowering cycle give them full nutes and they will go nuts.


aight guys thanks for the help so far these pics were taken early this morning. probably nute burn/ lock just like yall was sayin!!


here they are what do you guys think..the 400w hps is exactly 2o inches from the kolas so i think your probably right . it has slowly got a little bit worse over the past couple days even though i stopped feeding for the past two days!!



Active Member
Yep, looks like nute burn. It doesn't seem that bad yet though, so you may not even need to flush them. It's probably a good idea though, but I would make sure to do it when your soil is almost dry to prevent overwatering. I actually am doing what groproforsho said rightnow as well, I am giving them only pure water and though they are starting to yellow a bit, it's right before the flowing cycle so I am going to feed them soon with Fox Farm Big Bloom.


see i used botanicare organic nutes, i think the problem is i transplanted the plants into bigger pots with foxfarm soil only two weeks befor i started flowering.. so i dont doubt for a second that they are still feeding on the nutrients in the soil.. ill have to wait a while longer though. im glad that you say its not serious though i was starting to get worried..


Well-Known Member
they look huge how close to the light........... not sure if you can nute burn a plant that big with all those organics........i think ph or something what is the temp in the room?


temp is about 75-80 degrees with the lights on. humidity is about 60% relative humidity. the ph l,ike i said, is a possibility.. i water with tap water that i let sit out for atleast 24 hours befor each watering the ph is consistantly at about 7.0.. i know this is a little higher than normal but i have been watering the plants at 7.0 since they were babies so i didnt think it would hurt!! i must say the only reason i dont think it is a ph problem is because this only started happening after about the second or third feeding of nutes!!! so im not sure .. i think i will flush the pots out in a couple days just to see if it helps.. when i check on them tonight ill be able to tell if they have been getting worse.. hopefully not!!


Well-Known Member
not sure but if you never checked the ph of the water and nutes together i would give it a shot? Hope they look better tonight


yeah i didnt check, you know the more i think about it ... it really leads me to believe i do have a ph problem.. the leafs on my largest plant are really skinny while the ones on the smaller plants are alot more ample..


Well-Known Member
i know a little bit but not an expert. I have actualy run into my own issues and through process of elimination have learned a bunch. what is the npk of your food? Most of them are ph'd so you can feed them right to the plant but for me fish drops the ph wicked others have told me no problems with it?
humidity seems a bit high are you letting them dry before you water again?

They are beautiful plants by the way


oh yeAH i , if anything i tend to underwater !! only every 2-3 days .. as far as the npk its 1.5-4-5 . now i was told you werent supposed to feed with every watering.. i have been watering every other watering! is this a no no ??


Well-Known Member
the smaller plants with the white tips????? what does the new growth look like? it may be nute burn if the new growth is a bit fried?

strange how diffrent strains can react diffrently to the same conditions, how were the plants treated diffrently


Well-Known Member
the numbers seem to me like you would have to put alot more fert than recomended in the directions in order to burn? My bud box stays 25-29% and i feel it makes the plant produce more trichs.

ok so far i think

not nute burn and it seems fine to alternate water and food they dont seem to be yellowing from the bottom, sign of deficency

80 is as hot as i would go but if you can put you hand on the top of the plant and the light isnt to hot for your hand it shouldnt be to hot for the plant

humidity may be a bit high but not too bad?

what week of budding are you in


i topped one and left the other, the one that has alot of yellow tips and is very small is my experiment plant... she had alot of fan leaves trimmed and is hurting because of it.. live and learn i guess !! as far as new growth i have not noticed any fried buds or anything like that... i am not entirley sure how the buds will fill out! this is still my first grow .. i really hope the buds get bigger!! i am in the fourth week of flowering..

yeah i need to think of a way to ventilate my closet i need atleast a 6' 340cfm inline fan to ventilate my grow room... the problem is i cant cut holes in the wall because im renting an apartment.. anyone have any creative ideas that have worked for them ?


Well-Known Member
you are growing sativas i noticed. Sativas like to have alternating high and low nutrient solutions. just make sure you ph balance your water. Ive noticed they will stop growing if you give them full nutes all the time. They really bust out if i flush them for a week about every three weeks in flowering. those look like about 12 week plants, so you should try giving them water at week 4,8, and 10-12