Heat Problems


Well-Known Member
I have a 4x4 tent with a 1000 watt dimmable MH going (I know get a LED), I have a tower fan set up in the back corner mostly set on high with swivel on, One clip on fan in the rear top corner (trying to blow hot air out the tent), There's 2 regular turning fans on low (1) or med (2) turning back and forth. As far as ventilation system there's a active air 6" inline fan hanging middle right up against tent duct hole, Carbon Filter, Phat Muffler (Hopes of sound reduction), and Air Cooled Hood. It is set up as followed.... carbon filter >air cooled hood > muffler > 6" fan > out of tent into 4" wye out the window. I have a portable ac unit's exhaust hose running to the 4" wye out the window threw 5" tube.

Everything ran fine first day then ac begin to shut off so I added dampers now its back working fine but the heat wont leave. Today I notice if I leave my exhaust running at 100% it feels as if I'm just sucking the cold air out the room leaving the heat because i left my house ac running all day and house temps did nothing but rise. I can feel and hear the air moving thru the system but it don't seems the heat is leaving if it is I'm getting maybe a 2 degree difference. If I run at 50% temps are 82, 75% temps are 85, 100% temps are 88% and that's with my home's ac running at 78 degree's. There no tight bends in my ducting and not to much slack in the ducting. I'm trying to not use my portable ac because I'm hoping not using it at the same time as the exhaust system will allow better air flow out the room.

I'm thinking maybe …..
A. I have this exhaust system set up wrong somehow or maybe my ideal of running it out threw the ac vent tube is not so good.
I have ran the set up before but didn't have to muffle it nor make it look all purty.

B. I don't have the proper air movement going on.
Tent stay open (while lights on). I was able to close it when I had the portable ac going but I relocated it because it was shutting off either do to to much back pressure from tents hot air or vent tube was like a snake curled up. I also notice when I ran one not the other the hot air would flow backwards into the other. Ac vent air went threw the tents vent system helping heat up the light and When I ran tent it went to the ac blowing hot air into the exhaust port. I threw on some dampers now i can run both no problem but it seems the heat is not leaving.

At the moment I have tent exhaust at 100%, house ac set on 76 degrees, tent open fans going on low and temp in the temp is at 86 degrees. if i turn tent exhaust off temps go to 88 degrees. Please help me lol!!!
If you insist on running a 1k hid in that small space I would try a cool tube
But if you switch to a 600 hid your heat will drop significantly
yes I’ve heard 600 watt is more sufficient I pulled out my equipment I had stored away and one thing lead to another eventually I will be trying some LED’s but since I got started with my old stuff I’m just trying to make the best out of it.

would it be better to close tent and use passive intake to take in air or open door better for temps?
yes I’ve heard 600 watt is more sufficient I pulled out my equipment I had stored away and one thing lead to another eventually I will be trying some LED’s but since I got started with my old stuff I’m just trying to make the best out of it.

would it be better to close tent and use passive intake to take in air or open door better for temps?
You can’t cut corners just because you want to
One then the other is what I would try
But if I'm totally honest this is the reason most growers shut down in summer
Yes I understand your logic but that can’t be the only option and trust me I’m not arguing with you as if I know better. I have seen and heard a lot about 600 is way better option for heat and energy use but I use this set up before and light was pretty much cool to the touch before. I since moved and also added this muffler. When light was cool to the touch (sort of speak) I didn’t have my inline fan hanging in my tent with duct coming from fan straight to the window.
Yes I understand your logic but that can’t be the only option and trust me I’m not arguing with you as if I know better. I have seen and heard a lot about 600 is way better option for heat and energy use but I use this set up before and light was pretty much cool to the touch before. I since moved and also added this muffler. When light was cool to the touch (sort of speak) I didn’t have my inline fan hanging in my tent with duct coming from fan straight to the window.
That was in the dessert area at summer time too
buy a smaller bulb a 1000 watt is overkill in a 4x4, if you own the house why not just ditch the tent and grow in your basement or something?
Yes I understand your logic but that can’t be the only option and trust me I’m not arguing with you as if I know better. I have seen and heard a lot about 600 is way better option for heat and energy use but I use this set up before and light was pretty much cool to the touch before. I since moved and also added this muffler. When light was cool to the touch (sort of speak) I didn’t have my inline fan hanging in my tent with duct coming from fan straight to the window.
So move fan outside tent
We are only limited to what our mind believes or fail to believe lol I read that these dimmable ballast are not what they supposed to be as far as dimming it. I had matched the bulb to the same brand ballast and it seems to dim without changing to much in spectrum but idk much so I do use it on all it settings 50% 75% and 100%
That’s what I’m talking about !! I’m sorry but I like to figure things out not just go with other say or do because it works for someone
I grow in a 4x4 with an HID. I run a 600 in a sealed hood. I also have an Active Air 6" fan. Filter-fan-hood-exhaust with passive intake and no muffler. This is in a garage that doesn't have AC so I shut down for the summer because of the heat. The rest of the 9 months of the year everything is fine and I actually run a small heater in the tent in the middle of the winter during the day when the lights are off. I don't have any clip on fans or anything in the tent as the air coming in from the passive intakes at the bottom of the tent create plenty of airflow with the suction from the fan at the top of the tent. Clip on or tower fans inside the tent don't cool anything down they just move the air around.

With that portable air conditioner you do not want to extend the hose it came with as it will create back pressure and cause the unit to quit functioning. I've heard of people using a booster fan if they extend the length of the exhaust hose but I've never done that so I don't know how effective that is.

Do you need the muffler? It may be reducing the flow for the exhaust. I've never used one so I don't really know how much restriction it could cause. I would try changing the order of the components to filter-fan-hood-exhaust pushing the air instead of sucking the air through the hood and remove the muffler. If you use a speed controller you can turn the fan down to where you can't hardly hear it. I would use passive intake rather than leaving the door open. I have two 4" and one 6" vents opened and filtered.