heat problems...totally stressed out

trains strain

Well-Known Member
ok so havent really written on here in a long time. recently moved, decided going to try another little project. this time moved to a tv cabnet. gutted completley, now im doing a shelf grow. 21" on the top and about 35" on the bottom. it has its own seperate "utility compartment" where i plan to keep the carbon filter and all electrical connections. so far im using 6 42W cfls and 3 24W. now i know that hps or mh is the way to go but trust me im not in the situation to have any so please dont say anything. anyays, cfls, yes they get hot and now im running 2 12V PC fans for out take at the top of the cabinet into a paint can sized carbon filter exhausting to the out side of the cabinet. intake, long 1.5"x46" tube running from the bottom of the cabinet to bring fresh air in. only thing is, my temps are way up at 105 F. now ive grown before but not in a light and air proof box. so now im stumped. any suggestions or any tips at all would be appreciated. oh an i forgot to mention that i have another 12v pc fan at the intake and a small oscilating fan blowing within the cabinet. thanks all appreciated greatly.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
use CO2 if u cant get the temps down.. with Co2 plants can handle heat more..
what is the colour of the inner walls of the cabinet? they should be reflective. Dark colours absorb more heat, so if its brown or black put some kind of reflective or white material on the walls..

trains strain

Well-Known Member
forgot to mention that aswell, i used the reflectix insulation, very very reflective just not sure if thats helping keep the heat in

trains strain

Well-Known Member
right now actually theres no plants in it, im trying to get this setup done right before i start anything, i want the ladies to have the finest of placs to grow in


Well-Known Member
take the Carbon filter off, you don't need it yet..

the problem is the fans are not enough to get rid of the air propperly.
maybe 4 pc fans for exhaust and 4 for intake would do the job...

trains strain

Well-Known Member
aswell, this grow has to be 100% stealth, not because its my only option, well it kind of is, but i just want to make it dead quiet or close to anyways i know complete silence is near impossible but quiet, and consistent, ive grown with cfls before and was pretty amazed and now im just getting it setup properly for consistent personal use. well ill try 4 fans of each and see what happens, since im a dumb ass and use a little more force then should be, i accidently broke one of the walls thats divides the top grow with the utility area. so operation is on hold right now, ill eventually put up pics and all