heat problem help


Well-Known Member
OK well i have 2 36 gallon tubs and 11, 27w cfls and the temp seems to be going to about 100 f i have 3 fans in there with laptop chargers


Active Member
you will need a extractor fan as well as oscilating fan if possible, you need to get fresh air in as well as getting hot air out. make inlet hole at bottom of grow room and a outlet hole oppisite to inlet at top of grow room. or maybe use hps as they dont create as much heat,good luck


Well-Known Member
i have one on the bottom on eo nthe top and one in the light fixture but it still rises to 100 degrees humidity stays in the 40s


Well-Known Member
lol well then anyone out there know how i can take off atleast 15 degrees 100 temp is pretty high after awhile in the tubs when i put my hand in front of the fan it blows out warm air i've been testing it from 30 mins to 2 hours so far it goes up pretty quick maybe i shouldnt have all the cfls in there on but then how many can i have on for 4 seedlings


Well-Known Member
OK, my opinion is to place your box in a room with an ambient temperatur of no more than 65 degrees. Second, you don't need an intake fan, just a couple smaller holes, mayber 5cmX2cm ( you don't want the total size of all 4 holes to be any more than 1/4 the size of the extraction hole) one on each side of the box at the very bottom of the box. I put some sort of covering over them so air can get through, but light can't. I like to cut up the black furnace filters and tape them over the holes.
Next, you want a GOOD fan extracting air from the top of the box. Don't be afraid to use a failry strong CFM fam, even into the 200. Doing it this way, you will creat a negative pressure situation in the box, basically sucking air in from the lower holes at 65 degrees, and the sucking air out at a very high rate through the canopy fan. Doing it like this, it will be very hard for the temps to get much higher than 75.
In a box this small, there is no reason for an intake fan, it can actually be detrimental. As long as your outake fan is srtong enough, you will be fine with a couple passive intake vents at the bottom.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
I use 12 cfls for veg and a 600wHPS for flower and the 600 creates way more heat then the CFLs. If you can move your box thats how you want to do it. Like 801 said! It sounds like you only have fans blowing inside your box and thats not enough. You need fresh air coming in and a way to remove the hot air. Just like pipedout said (but no HPS of coarse). You can do it with intake and exhaust fans or do it with the negative pressure like 801 metioned. Even if you cant move the box. If you are only vegging 4 plants you only need 4-6 lights. I use 12 lights for 12 plants. I have 8 on top and 4 around the sides. You will need more to flower but you can get the heat problem under control before that.