Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!


Hi Guys,

Just wondering if any of you can help. I currently have a SIlverback Tent 1.8m x 0.8m x 0.8m and a 400w hps light. I've fitted a 6'' Extractor fan with Original carbon filter attached which are postioned at the top of tent.
I also have a 12'' circulatory fan within the setup to move the air around. The problem is the temperature!! its normally around 30c but today i came back home to find it was at 35c!!. The humidity stays at around 25 which i understand is too low (i've already put in a bowl of water in the setup to help increase this but does not seem to making a difference . I've tried opening the side vents and leaving them like this but the temperature is not coming down!!
Have you got any idea's guys as this is getting frustrating and i don't want my babies growth to suffer!!

Cheers in advance!!


Well-Known Member
Reduce the bends in your ventilation line to maximize exhaust flow. Put a big sponge in the bowl of water so most of it sticks out of the bowl. Then point the fan at the sponge. This will raise your humidity.


Okay great stuff much appreciated, i'll give that a try. My ducting is only a foot or so hanging down from back of tent, do you think i should i raise this upwards mate?


New Member
Do you have cool air comming into the tent? Where are you exhausting? I don't worry about low RH, my room is in the low 20's all winter long. They just drink more.


The air intake vents are how the airs being drawn in via the inside fan moving the air around mate. My exhaust fan is pulling the air out via the back tunnel at the top of the tent.
That's cool about the RH then i was just thinking it could have a negative impact on the budding density.


Well-Known Member
Where is your exhausted air being dumped?

are you just exhausting into the room where the tent is?
this is a big NO NO as the ambient air in the room will increase in temp making it so that your tent pulls in air that's already warm and gets Warner in the tent.



Where is your exhausted air being dumped?

are you just exhausting into the room where the tent is?
this is a big NO NO as the ambient air in the room will increase in temp making it so that your tent pulls in air that's already warm and gets Warner in the tent.

Mate i am, think your spot on fella as the room temperature has increased outside of my setup a lot. Just not got the option of venting outside. Hmmm?


Well-Known Member
If you want the temperature to drop (and you DO) then you're gonna have to find a way to get that hot air out. The only other thing is Air Con (AC) but they are £££'s to run.



Well-Known Member
It's not just about temperature. It's about air Exchange! Sending all the old Co2 depleted air out away from the plants and bringing IN new air. Can you run any more ducting from your exhaust and stick it out of the room doorway. This would remove hot old air and allow the air within the room to be used.



If you want the temperature to drop (and you DO) then you're gonna have to find a way to get that hot air out. The only other thing is Air Con (AC) but they are £££'s to run.

Thanks man your info has been great AC is not feasible but ill prob have it venting outside of room, will fit some longer ducting tmoz and see if that helps, thanks again ;)


Well-Known Member
Read the link too.

Dont forget if you have temp problems now in the winter then you're gonna be screwed come summer.

Try to find a venting place for long term use.

I ran my ducts into my attic and added ventilation to my attic to compensate for the extra warm moist air.



It's not just about temperature. It's about air Exchange! Sending all the old Co2 depleted air out away from the plants and bringing IN new air. Can you run any more ducting from your exhaust and stick it out of the room doorway. This would remove hot old air and allow the air within the room to be used.

Yeh mate thats what im going to give a go, to have it near the doorway blowing outwards. I have spare ducting there, if you could stay in touch i would appreciate it!!


Read the link too.

Dont forget if you have temp problems now in the winter then you're gonna be screwed come summer.

Try to find a venting place for long term use.

I ran my ducts into my attic and added ventilation to my attic to compensate for the extra warm moist air.

Yeh, thats what worries me, this will have to be a temporary thing for this grow..i'll have to work something out.


Well-Known Member
Yeh mate thats what im going to give a go, to have it near the doorway blowing outwards. I have spare ducting there, if you could stay in touch i would appreciate it!!

No problem. My knowledge came from that link and experience. Study the link apply it to your room and get presto. Cool room.

My only problem during winter was keeping temps UP. My average running temp at winter was 20.9C. But it only dropped during dark cycles to 19C.

Then I got busted and stopped. Lol.

Good luck.



No problem. My knowledge came from that link and experience. Study the link apply it to your room and get presto. Cool room.

My only problem during winter was keeping temps UP. My average running temp at winter was 20.9C. But it only dropped during dark cycles to 19C.

Then I got busted and stopped. Lol.

Good luck.


Ooops!! one extreme to the other lol well i'll give it a try,

cheers man,

Spk soon.