heat delema


due to living issues i have had to result to digging a hole under my deck its 3X3.5X4 im usin cfls and i was just worried about the winter months with the cold and snow that my plants would be kept warm enough and not freeze any feedback would be appreciated


How cold does it get in the winter where you are. May be next to impossible to keep them hot enough. I'd try to find somewhere inside, even in a garage or something if I were you. HPS lighting will be alot hotter than cfl's, but still won't keep them hot enough alone.


Well-Known Member
due to living issues i have had to result to digging a hole under my deck its 3X3.5X4 im usin cfls and i was just worried about the winter months with the cold and snow that my plants would be kept warm enough and not freeze any feedback would be appreciated
You'll have to do what farmers do, take advantage of the seasons and store enough crop to make it through till the next crop. Consider a patch in the woods next Spring.