healthy plant?


hey im a first time grower and i have a small setup and i was just wondering if my plant looks healthy the leaves are sorta droopy and there are slight light green almost scratches on a few of the leaves overall i think it looks good wat do you think?

p.s. i can take better pictures



Active Member
looks healthy to me, might want some guano or earthworm castings, it will darken up if you use it. did you water right before the pic? let it get dry before rewatering, don't want to overwater.


i cant remember if i watered before the pic but i generally use a spray bottle to water and wait till the top of the soil gets dry


Active Member
My local hydro supplier told me yesterday that if spraying with straight water it dilutes the chloro thingies in the plant and starves it of nutes. if this is true make sure you spray with a dilute nute formula.


My local hydro supplier told me yesterday that if spraying with straight water it dilutes the chloro thingies in the plant and starves it of nutes. if this is true make sure you spray with a dilute nute formula.
ok thanks but i dont have any nutes lol


also about nutes what should i use? there are so many different things to pick from its overwhelming.. i would like to stay away from chemicals but im on a budget so any cheap nutes that work well?


Well-Known Member
also about nutes what should i use? there are so many different things to pick from its overwhelming.. i would like to stay away from chemicals but im on a budget so any cheap nutes that work well?
ya man.. jus be carefull to ur doeses... the recomended dose is bullshit... they want u to use more so u run out faster.... ur plants only need so much nutes so dont think that more nutes will give u more weed.. it will jus cause damage and in turn u will think it need this to fix it and then create more damage.. its a snowball affect... look for a thread called "fertilizing wisely" by genfranco.. ull see what im talk bout


ok thanks and ive heard that about not useing the full dose... ill take a look at the thread and any suggestions on what to get?


Well-Known Member
ok thanks and ive heard that about not useing the full dose... ill take a look at the thread and any suggestions on what to get?
nah.. theres so many out there... and every1 has there own oppinions.. im using outdated nutes rite now... to me, nutes is nutes... love and caring for ur plants is probly mor benifecial then nutes unless u develope defiencies


ok thanks for all the help... i think i might just wait till somethin goes wrong to start adding stuff.. if it aint broke dont fix it


Well-Known Member
ok thanks for all the help... i think i might just wait till somethin goes wrong to start adding stuff.. if it aint broke dont fix it
i didnt mean it like that. def get sum nutes, it will do it good.. jus give it more love then nutes and go easy on the nutes... a lil goes a long way


o... ok... well one more question when should i flower it cause i dont have much room to work with and its 3 in tall now so i dont want it to get to big


Well-Known Member
o... ok... well one more question when should i flower it cause i dont have much room to work with and its 3 in tall now so i dont want it to get to big
whats the size of ur room?? hieght length and width??? how many plants?? 3 inches u say??


its easy to add more nutes but its a bitch to get rid of too much, so when you start be sure you add a little at a time.
I just had 2 plants die on me using the recommended dosage :(