Heading to Amsterdam: Any coffeeshop suggestions?

midwest connect

Active Member
Hey all,

I'm not necessarily new here, but couldn't find an "off-topic" forum section.

I'm heading to India in a couple days and have a 22 hour layover in Amsterdam. I can't wait to check out the coffeeshop scene.

Do you guys have any coffeeshops you'd personally recommend? This is my first time going and want to know what you guys think!

Thanks in advance!


bud bootlegger
roker j
fuck, the one owned by the dna boys, wtf is it called..

also, go online and check out a site called the smokeers guide to amsterdam.. it's a book they sell in the dam, but they also have a site chuck full of good info..
just stay away from the shit smaller no name places, or the chain places like the bulldog and you'll be fine...


bud bootlegger
bluebird is nice, i loved abraxis layout and people were chill, and it's pretty big for some of the shops over there..

i'm fucking drawing a blank here, the dna one is pissing me off too.. :(