Headies,Kush, Big Bud, and Jack La Mota


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow and they advise keeping a journal and posting pictures so i will try to do that and keep up. I will say what different seeds i am using and what my setup is and hopefully i will take some pictures and post them in the Journal so that anyone can give input. Input is always welcome.

I ordered some feminized seeds online that arrived Saturday. I ordered Big Bud and Jack La Mota from Attitude Seeds online.

Now from two seperate sacks I also got some seeds from one strain simply being called Kush the other Headies.

Now i started witht he seeds I got from bags i smoked from to make sure i had the process right better to experiment with these and make sure it works fine before trying it on my good seeds and god forbid they get messed up.

Since I started the Headies and Kush plants early they are already somewhat developed.

There were two Headies seeds and we started them first they are currently 3 inches tall. The kush ones we started a week or so later and they are only about and inch tall.

Today is sunday and the seeds i got saturday i left to germinate and crack. This afternoon when i checked all ten of the Big Bud seeds i had ordered had cracked. So very happly i transplanted them into their starter cubes. and placed them under the light.

The Jack La Mota I got 5 feminized seeds. So far only three have cracked i expect by tommorow the other two will crack two and i will transplant them all into their starter cubes.

For my setup I have two diffrent areas a veg and a flowering area setup.

Flowering area is a 4x7x7 Mylar tent that I ahve well ventilated it has a 600 watt HPS bulb. I have 18 pots all hooked up to a 55 gallon reseviour.

Vegetative area is under 4, 4 feet flouresence bulbs on a 5 gallon ebb and flow system to grow my plants in a veg state. I also have a 18 plant holding Rainforest 66 system in the closet with its own 2, 2 foot flourensce bulbs on it.

Thats it for now i will take pictures and update soon.


Well-Known Member
I am back to update I have been gone for a week on vacation and my plants have experienced some crazy growth. However i need to post my first set of pictures! Then i will post the new set I am going to take tonight. the Plants look great and there has been some pretty crazy growth. The only issue I have had so far is that today when i got back I went to spray one the taller ones with carbonated water and the stem bent and fell under its own weight! So i put a rod next to it and tied it to it to give it some support. I will attach my first photos then post the new ones later.



Well-Known Member
Alright I am posting the most recent photos! if you notice all the photos are dated so that you might see the progression through time. As i said one of the bigger plants in these ones i was spraying with carbonated water and I believe it was rather top heavy and pent at its base so i straightened it out and put it on a crutch i will attach closer photos of that.


Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
looks real nice bro, how long are you gonna veg? thinking of making mothers or just a seed to bud grow?


Well-Known Member
I am going to veg until they reach about 1.5-2 feet the ones in the white container are my practice plants i have been working with. So if i screw up its with them and not the seeds i paid for. I am planning on cloning the ones in the white thing and then flowering to figure out sex. I have a different area set up for flowering so before i move everything to the flowering room i am going to clone the best ones to get some mothers. And then from there out just clone off the mothers.


Well-Known Member
Wow it has been a minute since i have updated my grow jornal! But that is what i am going to do now. I have two diffrent sets of photos from time periods i beleive to be 22 days since the above pictures were posted. I am kinda behind but have picture updates for each period of time and will do multiple posts. But here it is 22 days after last photos they are still kinda short i wanna asay around 8 inches here. I might be off i am going from memory. I relised that they were going to need room soon and started preping the mylar tent where i later moved them.



Well-Known Member
Eventually realizing how things were getting crowded that i had to move them into the mylar tent and keep them in veg. So i got a bunch of floros to hang above them and moved 18 plants into the setup hydro system. It was about a day after the last pictures i just showed. Each picture is dated so you can keep tract of time like that.



Well-Known Member
This is two weeks after the alst photos were taken there was some pretty good growth. They are starting to get tall around 14-16 inches. I do have Jacks though and they are growing kinda short only around 7-10 inches. But the big buds have gotten so tall they are the 14-16 inchers I have decided that when the Big Buds hit 18 i would flower and just place the shorter jacks directly under the light. I just feel that otherwise the big buds would get to big. Anyway here are the pics i got another set comming up. The headeies and kush are in the back they are taller than the others by a couple inches.



Well-Known Member
OK this is up to date this is about another couple weeks the big buds finally hti the 18 inch mark and i decided to switch to flowering. it was annoying but i got the floros out and the 600 wat HPS back in. We had a little trouble the system accidentaly flooded because the over flow switch didnt cut it off. We also didnt realize how hott and humid it was goign to get in there so we have the can fan running 24/7 to keep the humidity around 55% and temp around 74. Anyway here are the photos in their seocnd day of flowering.



Well-Known Member
Thanks! I sure do hope so. Its funny I have had them in the veg tent for about a month no problems no floods no nothing. But today When i woke up i found my tent flooded! This is the second time withing 3 days! the first time was my fault for not hooking back up the over flow shutoff correctly. But this time I have no idea what happened!


Well-Known Member
I figured it out. Apparently last time i was moving my plants around i was careless and knocked loose a joint on the bottom of on of my pots. That cause the flood. Thank goodness my tent is water tight. or else it would of ruined the carpet.


Well-Known Member
OK i am updating again. I realize it has been a little while since i have updated but the photos i kept up with and tried to take them every two weeks so now i will post the pictures two weeks from the last set. And then I will post the most recent pictures. In these pictures it is really just more vertical growth and the nugs have not yet really started to appear. However the sex became clear and they appear to be all female which is good. On a note i bought feminized seeds and used some bag seeds. However withing the first week i used dutch master pentrator and reverser which is supposed to prevent hermaphrodites. Which from what I have seen did its job very well as the seed bags i used have no hermaphrodites.



Well-Known Member
These are the most recent pics. And nugs have started to from. It was hard to get a good picture of the nugs forming hopefully I will get some better close up ones to post but I will attach the latest. This is them at 4 weeks flowering. Tomm will be the 5 week mark for floweirng.


Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
is that first pic the kush? had a kush with the clawed leaves and was wondering if its genes or too much nitrogen. other one not so much but if you can you might wanna adjust nitrogen down while keeping calcium/magnesium up. anyway looks nice bro and +rep


Well-Known Member
No that is a picture of a big bud. I will attach one of the kush so you can get a better image. Thanks for the input. But when compared to the big bud and such the Kush seed i got out of a bag right now has more nugs and like branching off nugs than any of my other plant. Which is pretty crazy considered i paid to get the other one from amsterdamn -_- . It could be because it has a pretty premo light position.


Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
yea the light is probably why, anyway stuff is looking good bro can't wait a few weeks to see it bud out


Well-Known Member
hell ya all that hard work is soon to pay off ehh...plants look good in that hydro hydrotton rock setup bro...so healthy and green...rep+