Headed to Colorado as a tourist. Any Advice?


Active Member
Head to Colorado as a tourist with my wife. Anybody got some helpful information i.e. Do's and Don't, places to go and see while there, places I should avoid. Anything that might help someone new to the state, thats just trying to burn one and chill....Thanks
Red rocks, Garden of the godsa are both cool places to go and see some of the more famous places in Co. Im sure there are alot of others but those are the first things I thought of.

DONT buy weed from ppl on Craigs List it is illegal despite what they say and you prob will get shit weed.
As far as finding some herb to burn, just remember that it is legal for adults over 21 to give (100% free) under an ounce to other adults over 21.....and we are very nice and sharing here :) Any sales at all are illegal (until retail shops open next year to the public) unless it is a MMC selling to a redcard holder. Also remember that consuming herb in public is illegal, so don't go smoking a spliff walking down the street. Basically treat it like alcohol (keep it in your trunk when driving, no consuming in public, etc..) and enjoy CO!

Oh and I fully agree with BadAndy, Redrocks is amazing to go hike during the day or go to a concert at night!
By all means welcome

You may want to avoid Manitou Springs/Highway 24 area it's a mess at the moment in history

You'll find punks to conservative baby boomers to cowboys. Colorado is diverse and colorful.
The breweries, even the big ones, Coors in Golden and the Celestial Seasonings tea factory in Boulder are great visits, especially when you get thirsty. They are free and the other people who tour with you will probably be very pleasant company, have fun and relax, today I heard that John Denver song on the radio, Rocky Mountain High, and realized again how the idea of smoking with friends around the campfire is such a good idea, try to arrange that on your trip to the mountains.:peace: