Head Shops in the area?


Active Member
Ok so I live in, around, or near Gaithersburg/Germantown Maryland and I'm trying to find a killer head shop to buy a bong or "water pipe", does anyone live in the area that has any idea? My girl wants to grab me one for xmas and I'm not too sure where a good place is around here. Any info would be awesome. Thanks. -vega


Well-Known Member
Take the train from boston to NY, get to 7th ave and Christopher in greenwich village, next to a pet store, a bar, across from the wierd statue park theres a spot called the smoking shop, Best peices Iv ever seen.

I understand its nowhere near you but I live 3 hrs away in philly and I have other options as well, but if your gonna spend 70 bucks (or considerably more) you should go to a shop with kickass selection


Active Member
Definately true man thank you, anyway it'd be fun to go to New York for a day or two and stop by there to pick up a nice piece. -vega