He hipp..yer not alone lol SPLIFFY STIFFY


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The man sought medical attention when his boner lasted 12 hours before returning two weeks later with a six-hour stiffy, according to the Journal of Cannabis Research.

Doctors at Coliseum Medical Centers in Macon say it's the "first known case of cannabis-associated priapism in a patient where all other known causes of priapism have been excluded."

The journal stated: "He had no medical history other than mild hypertension, he took no medications, and used only cannabis, supported by his urinary drug screen.

"Further, his history exhibited a convincing correlation between his cannabis use and his episodes of recurrent priapism."

Priapism refers to a very painful and long-lasting erection which lasts for over four hours without sexual activity.

It's often linked to anti-depressants or illicit drug use such as cocaine, which can cause permanent damage - and in extreme cases, the loss of the penis.

But this is the first time researchers recorded a priapism related to using cannabis on a regular basis.

What is Priapism?
Priapism is a long-lasting painful erection that can cause permanent damage to a penis if not treated quickly.
The condition may get better on its own within 2 hours.
Prompt treatment for priapism is usually needed to prevent tissue damage that may result in permanent erectile dysfunction and the inability to get or maintain an erection.
Priapism most commonly affects men in their 30s and older.
Ischemic priapism:
Ischemic priapism, also called low-flow priapism is the more common type of priapism and is the result of blood not being able to leave the penis.
Signs and symptoms include:
Erection lasting more than four hours or unrelated to sexual interest or stimulation.
Rigid penile shaft, but the tip of penis is soft.
Progressive penile pain.
Nonischemic priapism:
Also known as high-flow priapism and usually less painful than ischemic priapism, occurs when penile blood flow isn't regulated appropriately.
Signs and symptoms include:
Erection lasting more than four hours or unrelated to sexual interest or stimulation
Erect but not fully rigid penile shaft.
Causes of priapism:
Priapism most commonly affects people with sickle cell disease.
Less common causes include:
  1. Blood-thinning medicines, like warfarin
  2. Some antidepressants
  3. Recreational drugs, like cannabis and cocaine
  4. Some medicines for high blood pressure
  5. Other blood disorders, like thalassaemia and leukaemia
  6. Some treatments for erection problems
Source: Mayo Clinic

The otherwise healthy African American man was injected with phenylephrine during his two hospital visits to ease the erection.

The patient told doctors he smoked weed "several nights per week for the past six months" and around two hours before each erectile episode.

He experienced at least four instances of erections lasting around four hours before they subsided during that six-month period, the man told doctors.

Experts noted he didn't have a family history of sickle cell anemia, in the journal's report, which also noted he started using the drug at 16 and experienced similar four-hour episodes.

When he stopped using weed in his twenties, the Georgia native noted he didn't experience these painful, persistent erections.

But urologist, Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt told Insider he was skeptical about the Journal's conclusions.

Brahmbhatt emphasized that "everything here is hypothetical until validated by research."

He said: "Marijuana is a vasodilator so it could lead to over-dilation of the penile vessels.
In the interest of honesty every night I take my own edibles which are basically coconut oil extract. Well my Priapridm wakes me up every single night. It's like a wooden leg inserted under my stomach. My girlfriend doesn't mind.