HazeyBee's 2nd Grow


Comments / Questions / Suggestions are welcome...

My 1st grow produced one male and one female. Due to privacy issues, I had to cut her down before she really had any yield.

Check out my first grow.


2013-04-08 14.26.21.jpg 2013-04-08 14.27.19.jpg 2013-04-08 14.29.09.jpg

Same seeds as before. A local hybrid called Black Sparrow.

Grow Space

2013-04-08 14.43.39.jpg

60 cm x 57 cm x 45 cm

PC Fan for ventilation

x2 Tubes at 5000k
x2 CFL's at 5000k
x2 CFL's at 2600k for flowering

That's all for now. Check back in a couple days!



Active Member
shit that sucks about your first grow dude, shoulda pm'd me and I woulda taken her off your hands! So is this grow in the same place, or are you moving it elsewhere to keep the snoopy people away?