Haze in super soil?

Hey all,

I lurk here alot and glean info, but I'm making a swing into a different realm and thought I'd post up a question.

I've grown in hydroponic mediums to this point, and had good success with the strains I have grown. One of my favorites is Haze, but it took quite a while to get the feel for growing it and learing all of the inconsistencies of the strain. The last few years I have gone to a strictly organic hydro op and have found that the taste and high are much more to my liking.

So here is the problem, I have decided to run a few mothers using supersoil to take the burden off of my veg room and free up some space for a few new projects. I really like the idea of plant it and add nothing but water, but I'm worried that the Haze will suffer, as it was always a bit more hands on than the rest of the strains I have grown. The new mothers area is far enough away from the rest of the op that I can't run on the same resevior, which is why I'm looking into the super soil idea.

Has anyone grown Haze indoors with the super soil? Am I worried about nothing, or should I go back to hydro with the mothers and stick with what has worked in the past? After all of this time, I'd hate to lose the mothers I have worked so hard to establish to find out that It's just not in the cards with soil.




Well-Known Member
I've personally never grown Haze, but I would go ahead and grow it in the super soil and see how it goes. Keep us updated :)

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
i doubt your going to loose anything other than the investment money making the super soil.. i have grown multiple strains in super soil including auto flowers with excellent results.. just follow the directions for making the super soil, and water accordingly.. easy peasy.