Hay smell during drying. Help please

Sisi I will do as you said! Thanks for the advice I appreciate it. However, I have noticed that if I "open" the tops I can smell what I am looking for.
Awesome, now remain patient. Remember once they're at that sweet spot leave them alone in a dark cool area. Don't remove the lids for at least 3 weeks. The flavor and smell will greatly increase.
Hi guys, I cut my plants last Saturday and put them inside my grow box to dry. When I cut them the smell was so potent that I headed the whole condo but as soon as I put them in to dry I started to get an almost nauseating veggie/hay smell and I was wondering if this is normal... if I open the tops I can smell some of that original smell but I'm a little worried about this situation! Do you guys think it might improve with time? Or is this normal anyway? I know that during the drying process you can smell the chlorophyll but I read that there are many people who don't think this is normal and as many who say the opposite.
The temperature is 62°F and the humidity varies between 50/55%

My guess is you harvested prematurely

99% of every hay smell post boils down to not letting your plants ripen.
I read that the major goes for 60F/60rh and I think it makes sense for the chlorophyll speech... when I was younger I didn't care so much and I used to hang them without checking anything with a very high humidity to the touch and I think those were the best! Then surely it depends on the density... maybe, as it happened to me, the problem was caused by the fact that there was already a beginning of bud rot! Last year around summer I dried a pound in 6 days with 45%rh and 74°F but the mold was still there.... With continuous air exchange!!!
I made this thread because 50% of the time the nasty smell goes away and the other 50% of the time it stays...I'm breaking my balls to end up with awesome grass full of resin but smelling like a mid quality...
What you said is true
Work for my months then,,,