HAXMAN`s Grow Jurnal


Active Member
Well folks with alittle prompting from Eatspam and Raven who have had so much patience, understanding , and vast knowledge along with so many others here at Roll it up .org that I will list throughout my grow journal because I strongly believe in giving credit where credit is do . I would like to say thanks to everyone here at the forum who has given me so much help and made this possible for me.


Active Member
Well after much deliberation and lots of knowlegable input from the folks here this is what I decided on. :joint:


Active Member
Here are some pics of the bagseed plants Eatspam helped me save , these poor thing were praying for death a month ago they were in and out of 3 different hydro setups suffered nute lock up among many other serious issues.


Active Member
The only thing I`ve been feeding these little girls is Technaflora`s Root 66 and distilled water ph`ed at 6.0 . And Thrive Alive B-1 Green as the folliar spray .. :joint:


Well-Known Member
yeah man awsome grow, these few posts dont even start to describe some of the shit you went thru to get to this stage!

and thank you so much for all the cred...

I feel like obi-wan... guiding you thru the trials and tribulations of the grow world!

*sniff* I promised myself I wouldn't cry...:cry: