having troubles.

  • Hey guys. im 19 and i live at home still. My mom smokes but she doesn't want me to grow. I found 2 ways i could secertly grow ones a super easy way but half the size of the harder one.

    Thats the easy way. its about 18''x18''x 24''. has a door and just looks like a bed end.

    thats the hard way twice the space on the floor and taller. i have to put in a bottom piece still. im made the dorr with all the droor faces on the front of a piece of plywood. and i have to buy door hinge's. i have a light that will work.

    Next question should i go dirt on hydro with a deep water culture (DWC) ?
    So option A or B?​



Active Member

  • Hey guys. im 19 and i live at home still. My mom smokes but she doesn't want me to grow. I found 2 ways i could secertly grow ones a super easy way but half the size of the harder one.

    Thats the easy way. its about 18''x18''x 24''. has a door and just looks like a bed end.

    thats the hard way twice the space on the floor and taller. i have to put in a bottom piece still. im made the dorr with all the droor faces on the front of a piece of plywood. and i have to buy door hinge's. i have a light that will work.

    Next question should i go dirt on hydro with a deep water culture (DWC) ?
    So option A or B?

Dude, I feel for you BUT IMHO, if you live in your Mom's home you need to abide by her rules, like it or not. You can go against her but if she finds out, it'll not be worth it, promise. She WILL find out, mother's always do. I know I sound like MY MOTHER but I am being honest with you. Lots of work to make a go of it in either cabinet but you definitely can and will have a ton of fun. It's just that by the time you get everything installed and grow out, say 2 plants, your yield isn't going to be very much for all the time money and work. If you've never grown Hydro, do the soil, much more forgiving and in hydro, if there's any problems, it's a lot harder to deal with them. Good luck and I know you'll do the right thing.


Well-Known Member
Be a better son and maybe your mom will put some drywall up in your room!

Seriously grow in both of them, fuck your mom right?!
Well i have everything to do it. Ive grow hydro before. and i know my mom. If she finds out ill tell her ive been doing it for awhile now. and she wont care as long as she gets some smoke where all good. But i only have one light. and i was thinking about 10 small plants, like super small. for like 3/4 an ounce a plant. my uncle grows in his house he has about 20 plants. (ako, church, rock) all ranging in those. i need something alittle bit bigger with maybe a 6 or 8 square feet. im only looking to do it for about 3 harvests. Just too get some extra pocket money. And i have no money right now since im enrolled in college. But my other concern is seeds. I dont have money to buy them. But my mom usually picks out 3 or 4 everytime she smokes but she smokes maybe 2 times a week. and i have no idea if the seeds are even good. could anyone send me some seeds and ill give you like 20 bucks in the mail or something. i was looking online and its atleast a 40 to 50 minimum. and i cant afford that. Can anyone help me?


Well-Known Member
Sure ill send ya some seeds, nutes, a light, fan/filter, and my personal helper monkey to get ya started. Shall I include some donuts and my lawyers personal info in the package too???????????

The Count

Well-Known Member
Not a good idea considering you live in your parents house... aka when you get busted your mom could be liable for legal action. Hopping on a forum and saying your reason for growing is so you can make some extra money wont get you very far... get a job like most other college students.


Well-Known Member
Nothing like respecting the boundries that are given to you by the person who raised you and is allowing you to live in their home when you're an adult. What an ingrate.


Well-Known Member
Don't grow in your moms house. If she doesn't want you to, respect that. If you can't respect that, move the fuck out and grow in your own place.