having trouble with rooted clones

i bought some rooted clones 2 days ago(the roots were small) and they were a little droopy but they seemed they were going to be fine . the strain is white widow and they were under 2 cfls .i put them in one gallon pots in soil and under a hydrofarm t5 with 4 of the 6 bulbs for 24 hrs on the first day i had them then they seemed more droopy when i woke up to check on them so i turned of 3 bulbs and i put food wrapping hanging from the t5 and sprayed the wraping with water the whole day yesterday to serve as a dome ... they dont seem worse or better today anything i can do to make them perk up? :sad::?:

let them have 3 -- 4 days befour you worry theres some thing wrong just the change of environment gives them some stress good luck keep updating


Well-Known Member
If they have roots and are still drooping its due to overwatering, remove the dome and allow the rw cube and medium to aerate.