Having trouble finishing up.


Lemmie start At the top. Had a partner who knew it all. They quit and now.....

Me im a Semi new grower and have basic know how looking to improve.

I use fox farm program ocean forest mixed with pro-mix dirt and use some other stuff like fossil fuel guanos and superthrive. Everything always goes great until week 10 and the plants start looking terrible. The leaves go from lime to yellow to brown and dead before I see any amber trics. Humidity is 50-55. Temp is 84-78

Cant seem to post pics from phone but they go from very large happy dence buds with pleanty of leaves to dryish airy leaf less sad sights. Cery very frustrating. Any help please.


Well-Known Member
what are you looking for help with? Sounds like the plant used all the available nutes.. Are you flushing now? 10 weeks sounds close to harvest time no?

Po boy

Well-Known Member
do the buds and small sugar leaves look good? if so, then the plant is going through it's natural course. GL