Having Issue's with purging Bho


Active Member
So i thought i got all the right shit and i also thought i was doing everything right but for whatever reason my slab isnt purging and it has been well over 3 days.

so here is what i am doing
blasting into mason jars and then pouring that into a parchment boat in a little metal pan sitting in hot water to evap then when it looks like nothing is really bubbling anymore slap into the oven let the slab warm for 30 mins then proceed to pull vacuum and then flip it over in four hours and repeat flipping every 4 hours. It's sort of driving me a little nuts haha here are the stats of my oven

0.9 Best value vac oven
12 CFM Best value vac pump 2 stage
also have kf-25 hose attached
and the gauge is reading past -30 hg

and yes i know im open blasting :( im sorry i need like a few more parts for my closed loop and ill be more on the safe side
Temp matters a lot. At less than 100 degrees you aren't purging shatter. I shoot for as close to 105 as I can without going over. Make your slab as thin as possible. It takes time and sometimes high terp content can leave you with a sappier concentrate.
Also try blasting onto a glass dish sitting in hot water directly. I do this and the puddle is gone by the time I blast the next can. Feel this helps the purge a lot. But that is just what I have found. Don't know a scientific reason that would be so.
its going past -30 hg and this oven is a POS i think it says the temp on the screen is like 130 and the temp inside is like 90 degrees
At 90F, it could take days and unless you are below sea level, there aren't 30" Hg in an atmosphere.

I recommend that you get a good vacuum gauge and raise your oven temperature so that your puddle just fully melts, regardless of what that temperature turns out to be (typically 110/120F).
At 90F, it could take days and unless you are below sea level, there aren't 30" Hg in an atmosphere.

I recommend that you get a good vacuum gauge and raise your oven temperature so that your puddle just fully melts, regardless of what that temperature turns out to be (typically 110/120F).

aite fasho im gunna try that out