Having issues finding what deficiencies my plant has


New Member
I am growing indoors, in 5 gal fabric container 40% FFOC, 30% FFHF and 30% perlite. Watering with .5 gal RO and just started feeding .5 tsp big grow, .5 tsp tiger, 1 tsp bloom and 1 tsp calmag. The PH is 6.2. Fed once week six and once week seven, currently in week 7. I am watering every three day with every other day just water no nutes. Temp is 21c,49% humidity, light schedule 20,4. Plant is lemon haze autoflower, as you can see it is second week of flowering. I am confused on what is wrong, I thought over watering, but after 3 days of no water, plant still looks sad. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking a look!


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