Having Electrical problem, please healp.

I have one 600 watt, digital ballast and one 4 bulb t-5 floresent light plugged into one 15 amp surge proctector. The surge protector is plugged into a digital dual outlet timer that is plugged into your standard 110 outlet. During the final phase of my flowering period, i noticed most days when i walked into the room in the morning my lights were not on when they should have been on and the reset button on the surge protector was lite. When I reset the surge protector the lights would come on and usually about 3 hours later I would check on the and the lights would be out again, due to a tripped surge protector. The breaker in the main breaker pannel was never tripped and I am wondering weather I have a bad surge protector or is my brand new digital ballast giving me trouble. I was using a 600 watt high pressure sodium light as would be used to bloom. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
First thing I'd do is bi-pass the surge protector and see what you get...that's what I'd do first
sounds like ur sending to much juice into that one plug (might have spent connectors). try the other plug at that outlet, replacing the surge protector, or plug into a diff outlet.
I have the same issue. I have to use the top plug but the bottom one always trips out


Well-Known Member
When I bought an indoor/mobile AC unit to cool a mushroom grow
I could not find a plug that I would not blow.

I had to get an electrician to add four new 20 amp circuits. Now I have
three extra two-plug receptacles in my man-cave that each have a dedicated
circuit associated with it.

Sorry I cannot help more.
