Having an electrician wire up a room with 220v - how much should it cost?


Hi all,

Prelude: Please forgive my lack of technical terms when it comes to electricity and things that relate to it :)

I'm having a licensed electrician put a new 40a breaker in my panel and then running that breaker from the garage's power panel and snaked up the garage ceiling into a room on my second story house. The distance from the panel to the room, if the power wire was run cleanly, would be roughly 30-40 feet.

This room is divided into two areas: a 5'x5' area, and a 10'x10' area. The 5'x5' area will have a single 1000W with 6" HO Fan and the possibility of a 500W dehumidifier. The 10'x10' area will have 2 1000W lights at most with a 10" HO Fan and the possibility of a 500W dehumidifier.

Granted he runs all wires clean, installs the necesary outlets upstairs, and gets power upstairs, how much should materials and labor cost me?

Also, is a 40a circuit enough for what I stated above? Should I go bigger? Is that even a possibility, or are houses limited to how many circuits they can put in?

Thanks in advance.