Having a tough time with getting cuttings to root, advice?


These are clones of clones, so I guess you could say 2nd generation, I've gotten 1 to root and a few to just about root (when the stems gets all porous) but I had a power outage incident and they died so I'm back to square one.

I've tried about 20 cuttings in a humidity dome with rockwool and heating pad, soaked in tap water and a little h2o2, letting them get fresh air 1-2 times a day, making sure the cubes stayed moist, spraying the leaves and/or walls every 1-2 days, they all eventually yellowed - brown/shriveled and died around day 5-6, I have 3 excellent looking cuttings in a glass of water with an airstone in it right now just to keep them alive but I'm not sure where to go from here, I think I want to try the aeroponic method, any thoughts? I'll leave a pic of the 3 babies

if I left anything out I'll answer any questions asap!



Well-Known Member
I assume you use a cloning gel or powder? I'm not a great cloner but I found that just using cheap cloning powder from WalMart and a dome with a heating pad I do about 80% but I leave them alone for a week. Also I stick mine right after I cut them and make sure you cut up the stem a ways in case of air bubbles. I've also heard that high nitrogen in the mother plant can cause failures. I'm sure someone with more talent can help you more.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Aerocloners work great with or without rooting hormone. Get a timer you can set at 1 min on 4 mins off or something like that to keep the pump and water inside cool. Warm clone water invites bacteria. Change the water every week and clean everything out with hot water and bleach.
Sure the humidity dome method works too but at a lower success rate. The healthier the mother plant is the faster your clones will root. Once you see roots transplant to soil or hydro medium and give them a light feeding. Freshly rooted clones usually look "bad" before they are transplanted. Watch the newer growth; the older fan leaves might just shrivel up & die from stress.


Well-Known Member
Coco is an excellent cloning medium. Precharge with 1/4 strength nutes. Fill small nursery pot with prepared coco. Make hole. Dip clone in cloning product or not. Insert clone in hole. Lightly pack coco around stem. Put in nursery tray with dome and vents open and out of direct light. Spray if clones wilt. After a couple days remove dome. Keep coco moist but not wet. Wait for roots to show from holes on bottom of pots. Transplant. I've found that if you have good healthy clones that you don't need to use a dome. Just make sure they're not directly under light until they start to root. I'm basically a seed grower but when I take clones I take nice ones and just put them straight into coco and set them in a corner out of the way. Almost 100% roots within a week to ten days.


Yes I used clonex on the 20 that failed and the originals that died in the piwer outage
These 3 new ones havent touched any hormones yet though

Aerocloners work great with or without rooting hormone. Get a timer you can set at 1 min on 4 mins off or something like that to keep the pump and water inside cool. Warm clone water invites bacteria. Change the water every week and clean everything out with hot water and bleach.
Sure the humidity dome method works too but at a lower success rate. The healthier the mother plant is the faster your clones will root. Once you see roots transplant to soil or hydro medium and give them a light feeding. Freshly rooted clones usually look "bad" before they are transplanted. Watch the newer growth; the older fan leaves might just shrivel up & die from stress.
Im most likely doing this, I was going to get an EZCLONER but i built the same thing eith extra stuff laying around and 15$ so you cant go wrong haha

Coco is an excellent cloning medium. Precharge with 1/4 strength nutes. Fill small nursery pot with prepared coco. Make hole. Dip clone in cloning product or not. Insert clone in hole. Lightly pack coco around stem. Put in nursery tray with dome and vents open and out of direct light. Spray if clones wilt. After a couple days remove dome. Keep coco moist but not wet. Wait for roots to show from holes on bottom of pots. Transplant. I've found that if you have good healthy clones that you don't need to use a dome. Just make sure they're not directly under light until they start to root. I'm basically a seed grower but when I take clones I take nice ones and just put them straight into coco and set them in a corner out of the way. Almost 100% roots within a week to ten days.
Ive never done it this way Its def worth a shot, by out of direct light do you mean just in a typical bedroom with nothing special or in actual darkness?


Well-Known Member
You could try this ,cut clipping off put in glass of water,then cut again using razor blade,put back in glass of water ,place them somewhere dark for 24 hrs,then dip in this cheap powder, put in what ever medium,then put them under low heat low light,I use 8 watt ,don't use a dome ,or anything else pretty easy , very seldom do I have one die ,this is my fancy setup lmao



Well-Known Member
These are clones of clones, so I guess you could say 2nd generation, I've gotten 1 to root and a few to just about root (when the stems gets all porous) but I had a power outage incident and they died so I'm back to square one.

I've tried about 20 cuttings in a humidity dome with rockwool and heating pad, soaked in tap water and a little h2o2, letting them get fresh air 1-2 times a day, making sure the cubes stayed moist, spraying the leaves and/or walls every 1-2 days, they all eventually yellowed - brown/shriveled and died around day 5-6, I have 3 excellent looking cuttings in a glass of water with an airstone in it right now just to keep them alive but I'm not sure where to go from here, I think I want to try the aeroponic method, any thoughts? I'll leave a pic of the 3 babies

if I left anything out I'll answer any questions asap!
and Why Not...?


Well-Known Member
Yes I used clonex on the 20 that failed and the originals that died in the piwer outage
These 3 new ones havent touched any hormones yet though

Im most likely doing this, I was going to get an EZCLONER but i built the same thing eith extra stuff laying around and 15$ so you cant go wrong haha

Ive never done it this way Its def worth a shot, by out of direct light do you mean just in a typical bedroom with nothing special or in actual darkness?
Just out of direct light. Not under a grow light until roots.


Well-Known Member
For what it's worth, you all go to way more trouble than I go to lol and i have almost like 99% success cloning... Here's what I always do, take a cutting (maybe slightly smaller than what you have there and with just a little bit more leaves on it though), and use a razor to cut the bottom of the stem long ways just a little bit. Cut the leaves in half. Dip it in both cloning gel and cloning powder. Stick it down in a solo cup of soil and water. Then I put it down at the bottom of my veg tent under the shade of the other plants so it's not getting direct light.

Then, over the next day or two I watch it, and spray it with water if it starts to wilt. Just make sure it stays out of the direct light.

And then most importantly, I don't touch it for at least two weeks or even sometimes three weeks. Just keep the soil wet, the environment humid, and keep spraying it with water. i don't even mess with humidity domes...

Works like a charm every time.. If the clone is not going to make it, I'll usually know by week two because it's just wilted away. Otherwise, EVENTUALLY it will root... Losing patience and checking for roots too early is what kills them 99% of the time...

Oh, also, I've cloned a plant for over two years one time (so like fourth or fifth gen?) never really had any issues doing that FWIW

Hope this helps and good luck!

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
I'm still using the lazy man's Clone King. No rooting hormones just straight tap water. Pop 'em in and check them in 10 days, easy peasy. Before that, Jiffy pellets and humidity domes were the greenhouse standard for 40+ years


Well-Known Member
These are clones of clones, so I guess you could say 2nd generation, I've gotten 1 to root and a few to just about root (when the stems gets all porous) but I had a power outage incident and they died so I'm back to square one.

I've tried about 20 cuttings in a humidity dome with rockwool and heating pad, soaked in tap water and a little h2o2, letting them get fresh air 1-2 times a day, making sure the cubes stayed moist, spraying the leaves and/or walls every 1-2 days, they all eventually yellowed - brown/shriveled and died around day 5-6, I have 3 excellent looking cuttings in a glass of water with an airstone in it right now just to keep them alive but I'm not sure where to go from here, I think I want to try the aeroponic method, any thoughts? I'll leave a pic of the 3 babies

if I left anything out I'll answer any questions asap!
Have you tried doing it the same way without the h2o2?
Could be the h2o2, to much will fry them.