Have you ever traded weed for sex?


Well-Known Member
A female friend of mine who is just somebody I met at a party came over today and wanted a bag but didn't have any money.
She offered me sex.....Of course I turned her down because I'm married.


Well-Known Member
While I have been rather desperate for sex, I have never been that desperate for weed. Wow.

Maybe she wants to get with you and this was the best way she could think of.


Well-Known Member
No i've never traded smoke for sex,but i have gave some away to keep the chicken heads off me. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
While in College I used to sell weed .. I used to have the best buds on campus ... In return ,I always had some killer tail too.. To answer the question.. YES I HAVE .. and I might add Ive gotten,Pussy , head and ass all from being the owner of some choice buds ... Oh the good ole days .


Well-Known Member
In college my buddies sold some wizard smoke to some chicks in exchange for head, these chicks thinking it was weed! And they came back a few days later for more!!


Well-Known Member
you should have done the trade, and then after sex make her pack mass bowls. then its a win win situation.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Used to form....I've felt sorry for a guy who was hitting on me all night at the bar cuz he tried so hard...so I took him back to his house and I swear it was horrible...he scratched my 'tang cuz he had a jagged piece on his fingernail...I wrote him a note with a burnt match telling him never to call me....so much for me being nice. I have an old man now, and we have been together long enough to have hall sex....where we pass each other in the hall and yell "Fuck YOU!":mrgreen:
where does the pity line form ????.. I wanna be 1st this time ...:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Used to form....I've felt sorry for a guy who was hitting on me all night at the bar cuz he tried so hard...so I took him back to his house and I swear it was horrible...he scratched my 'tang cuz he had a jagged piece on his fingernail...I wrote him a note with a burnt match telling him never to call me....so much for me being nice. I have an old man now, and we have been together long enough to have hall sex....where we pass each other in the hall and yell "Fuck YOU!":mrgreen:

How sweet of you .................. :joint:


Well-Known Member
:) If we said this to a woman we would be dead..... :)

Give me 10g's i'll do ya 15 mins... :D