Have you ever saved someone's life ?

3 different times I have saved children from being hit by a car. 2 snatch from the road just before they would have been hit.

1, a toddler, had wandered away from his yard and I found him in the middle of the road in the forest.
I stopped and took him up to the nearest house. The woman looked surprised to see me standing in her door with her son.
When I was in federal prison for growing weed, I had 5 other guys in my cell. One guy was a diabetic, and only had one arm. He had a seizure, and was laying face down in his vomit, flopping all over the place, and I was the only one who would stick my hands down there in the vomit, eith no glovesto keep him from drowning. He never payed attention to his diet, was about 60 years old, and had just eaten about 4-5 Little Debbie Cakes before he had the seziure. That was in 2008. Hes probably dead by now. To tell you how bad medical treatment in federal prison was, is they didnt even take him out to the hospital to be monitored.
My meth lab partner once was on a mission to kill these two drug dealers that were turning young children into dealers themselves. They would have killed my partner for sure because he's kind of a pussy, but as I pulled up to the situation, he was crossing the street and it was about to go down. The only thing I could think to do was to run over the two dealers with my Pontiac SUV, it was awful. One was still alive, so I got out, picked up his gun, and shot him in the head. I looked at my partner who was in stunned disbelief, and uttered one ominous word. "Run..."
My meth lab partner once was on a mission to kill these two drug dealers that were turning young children into dealers themselves. They would have killed my partner for sure because he's kind of a pussy, but as I pulled up to the situation, he was crossing the street and it was about to go down. The only thing I could think to do was to run over the two dealers with my Pontiac SUV, it was awful. One was still alive, so I got out, picked up his gun, and shot him in the head. I looked at my partner who was in stunned disbelief, and uttered one ominous word. "Run..."
my Aztek is also guilty of murder too. i park it inside in shame
I've never saved a life, so to speak. Although a few years back I faced the real possibility of it after a kid wrecked his truck below my house. The sound of crushing metal, and a violent impact awoke me up in the middle of a warm July night. If you've ever heard it, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. It never really leaves you. You can hear it in your mind playing over and over again.

Any way, after calling for help and expecting something horrific, a serious injury...worse. I drove down to the seen of the accident. I saw a shoe and some personal belongings in the road as I passed by. I remember thinking, this doesnt look good. The truck was unrecognizable, wrecked into a hillside, and folded kinda of like a taco in the middle. I really thought the worst at this point. There was no way someone could have survived that, could they? I pulled to a safe distance, exited and began yelling for survivors. To my surprise I didnt hear anything as I approached. I continued to yell. Hesitant to look in the cab where for surely I thought all of the life changing carnage awaited me. To my dismay, again nothing. At this point, I'm kinda freaking out, still yelling, and scanning the hillside for bodies, or even parts. As I had told myself already, there was no way that some one survived this. And even if they did there was absolutely no way for them to leave the seen that quickly, as I was there within minutes of the accident. Scanning the hillside, still I saw nothing. Now, if you've ever been in this kind of situation you'll know that your mind does some whack shit trying to make sense of it all. So now I'm scrambling around looking for hanging victims in the surrounding canopy, expecting some seen out of a Predator movie. This may sound crazy, but like I said, my mind was running wild with possibilities while trying to maintain some sense of haste. After all... I was there to help someone, right?

Soon the flashing lights of emergency vehicles lit up the area. The clutter of radios, air brakes, and emergency responders filled the night which seemed so eerily quiet and dark just moments earlier. A highway patrol officer approached, he addressed me by name. By then I had recognized him as a client I had recently done some work for. For the record, I genuinely dislike working for law enforcement, but that is for another thread. This guy was cool. I could elaborate, but won't. A seasoned veteran from the city, this he had seen some shit. He stuck his head in the cab and to my relief quickly gleaned that the keys had been removed from the ignition. But wait...what kind of idiot grabs the keys out of their clearly totaled Toyota truck? A drunk one I guess. As it turned out, we eventually determined that his friends were behind him in another vehicle and likely watched him crash, giving him a quick get away.

It had been a few hours before the daylight started to brighten the night sky. It was surreal, kinda like coming off a bad trip, knowing something terrible could have happened but didn't. The relief of knowing I wouldn't be haunted by some else's poor decision. I did feel a sense of betrayal, but was so grateful for the almost unthinkable outcome I didnt dwell on it for long.
got a save in last week.

wife was eating a slice of apple and it got stuck in her air way. ....a text book choke.

she is down to only 1 lung and didnt have the force enough to cough it out.

had to preform the hind lick manuver

if i wasnt there, i dont think she would have made it.

i couldnt live life without her.
I've never saved a life, so to speak. Although a few years back I faced the real possibility of it after a kid wrecked his truck below my house. The sound of crushing metal, and a violent impact awoke me up in the middle of a warm July night. If you've ever heard it, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. It never really leaves you. You can hear it in your mind playing over and over again.

Any way, after calling for help and expecting something horrific, a serious injury...worse. I drove down to the seen of the accident. I saw a shoe and some personal belongings in the road as I passed by. I remember thinking, this doesnt look good. The truck was unrecognizable, wrecked into a hillside, and folded kinda of like a taco in the middle. I really thought the worst at this point. There was no way someone could have survived that, could they? I pulled to a safe distance, exited and began yelling for survivors. To my surprise I didnt hear anything as I approached. I continued to yell. Hesitant to look in the cab where for surely I thought all of the life changing carnage awaited me. To my dismay, again nothing. At this point, I'm kinda freaking out, still yelling, and scanning the hillside for bodies, or even parts. As I had told myself already, there was no way that some one survived this. And even if they did there was absolutely no way for them to leave the seen that quickly, as I was there within minutes of the accident. Scanning the hillside, still I saw nothing. Now, if you've ever been in this kind of situation you'll know that your mind does some whack shit trying to make sense of it all. So now I'm scrambling around looking for hanging victims in the surrounding canopy, expecting some seen out of a Predator movie. This may sound crazy, but like I said, my mind was running wild with possibilities while trying to maintain some sense of haste. After all... I was there to help someone, right?

Soon the flashing lights of emergency vehicles lit up the area. The clutter of radios, air brakes, and emergency responders filled the night which seemed so eerily quiet and dark just moments earlier. A highway patrol officer approached, he addressed me by name. By then I had recognized him as a client I had recently done some work for. For the record, I genuinely dislike working for law enforcement, but that is for another thread. This guy was cool. I could elaborate, but won't. A seasoned veteran from the city, this he had seen some shit. He stuck his head in the cab and to my relief quickly gleaned that the keys had been removed from the ignition. But wait...what kind of idiot grabs the keys out of their clearly totaled Toyota truck? A drunk one I guess. As it turned out, we eventually determined that his friends were behind him in another vehicle and likely watched him crash, giving him a quick get away.

It had been a few hours before the daylight started to brighten the night sky. It was surreal, kinda like coming off a bad trip, knowing something terrible could have happened but didn't. The relief of knowing I wouldn't be haunted by some else's poor decision. I did feel a sense of betrayal, but was so grateful for the almost unthinkable outcome I didnt dwell on it for long.

tldr scary wall of text.png
got a save in last week.
wife was eating a slice of apple and it got stuck in her air way. ....a text book choke.

she is down to only 1 lung and didnt have the force enough to cough it out.

had to preform the hind lick manuver

if i wasnt there, i dont think she would have made it.

i couldnt live life without her.

Awesome save, dude! Butt how did tossing her salad stop her from choking?
My meth lab partner once was on a mission to kill these two drug dealers that were turning young children into dealers themselves. They would have killed my partner for sure because he's kind of a pussy, but as I pulled up to the situation, he was crossing the street and it was about to go down. The only thing I could think to do was to run over the two dealers with my Pontiac SUV, it was awful. One was still alive, so I got out, picked up his gun, and shot him in the head. I looked at my partner who was in stunned disbelief, and uttered one ominous word. "Run..."

