Have they just stopped growing

Hi all

I've had my 9 plants (in sq/m) flowering for 44 days. (they vegged for about 32 days too)

For the last 1 week or 10days I notice not a lot of bud development on the top of the plants. There is a nice chunk (about the size of a pack of 10 cigs) on the tops but they were like that 2 weeks ago.

When I look at forums here, I see some that have far more bud on top and they are also under 400w (like me).

Am i being impatient or have I shocked them or something. I have kept the light regular with no light-leaks at all and I have given each plant about 1/2 litre water per day (in 11 litre pots of soil/vermic/perlite etc)

Any input will be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
flood the pot till you get water out the bottom holes. could be root bound too

Brick Top

New Member
An 11-liter pot is like a 2.5-gallon (dry U.S. ... close to being 3-gallons liquid U.S.) pot and that is a small pot and could be part of or contributing to your possible slow growth problem. When plants are in a root-bound condition there are a number of problems that can occur, stress/shock being one (or should that be two) of them.


Well-Known Member
i have had root bound problems can totally stop the absorption of nutrients which will turn the leaves lighter and lighter then yellow inhibiting everything. Best thing is move to larger pots like 5 gallon buckets. when you look at the bottom of the soil during transplanting see how the roots look.
thanks for the advice. I dont think i will manage to find bigger pots or more soil :( but I realise now for next time. Will my bud still be smokable?
i wouldn't transplant right now in the middle of your grow.... better luck next time.... you live and learn.... your buds will swell last two weeks... i'm in a similar situation like you...
also, when you transplant due to root bound issues during flowering, it will increase your flowering time because the plant sends energy to make more roots...

Brick Top

New Member
but then again, after seeing this https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/24703-its-all-bullsh-t.html , what is root bound? LOL! :-)

My family and I own a pot-in-pot nursery (trees and bushes, not plants) that covers around 15 to 17 acres now. It has thousands and thousands of trees and bushes of all sizes and types in pot sizes from 50-gallons down to tiny containers for seedlings, we have four degreed botanists in the family ……. anyone who tells you the root-bound condition does not exist knows nothing about botany.
Just because marijuana is a weed, which means it is a survivor, and it can grow well in less that optimal conditions and still seem impressive to someone it does not mean that the very same plant given the very same care but grown in a pot size that would be optimal for it would not do much better and be far more impressive and on top of that it would be easier to grow and be far less apt to be subject to a list of various possible problems and ailments.
When the old manned NASA space capsules returned to earth they would float down on parachutes and then somewhat gently splash into the ocean and then gently bob on the waves.

Navy helicopters were waiting in the air in the splashdown zone and within minutes of splashdown Navy divers were in the water making sure the space craft was secure and the crew was safe and very quickly the crew was able to exit the space craft into an inflatable raft and from there were lifted to a helicopter and then flown a relatively short distance to a waiting aircraft carrier.

The amount of time from splash down to stepping foot on the deck of the waiting aircraft carrier could be counted in minutes, not just as in several but nothing anywhere close to being an hour long ….. just some fairly short amount of minutes.

The Soviet space capsules would float down on parachutes and then rather roughly slam into the earth making a very abrupt very jolting instantaneous stop.

Sometimes the Soviet Cosmonauts would wait four or more hours to be found and picked up.

Both systems achieved the same final goal, didn't they? Sure they did so what the heck, one was just as well thought out and carried out as the other and each was every bit as good as the other, right?
I guess everyone likes to believe that their own way of doing something is the very best way to do whatever it happens to be … that is just as long as they can first figure out how to deal with all the well known problems inherent to such a growing system and learn how to get beyond the myriad common problems and eventually are able to make it work for them ….. and yep, at that point it’s the best!
Good post brick ( not being sarcastic). Just to clarify.... I wasn't saying that root bound problems don't exist. That's why I'm going to a larger pot next time before I flower. I'm in full Agreement with you brick. I jsut thought I post thE other link just to show that there are people out there That root bound is bs and to show that monster plant. Lol!
I personally am glad you put your $0.02 in. I've read your wonderful inputs in previous posts and appreciate them! :thumbsup:

put yeah, back on topic! If your plants are indeed root bounded, just finish the grow out and go big next time.